Authors: Minh Quang Tran and Nguyen Tien Dat Tran
Topic: Use Xilinx Ultra96 FPGA to accelerate operators in image processing area
Task 1 has two files:
1_bitsteam file: Bitstream of MysteryReg IP core
2_mmap file: Test the MysteryReg IP core by reading and writing 4 registers of MysteryReg
Task 2 has 4 folder:
1_MUL_AXI: AXI Multiplier implemented in Bluespec language
2_Bitstream: Bitstream of the the IP core which has AXI Multiplier IP core and also ILA debug IP core inside.
3_mmap: Test the AXI Multiplier by writing 2 sample values to first and second register and getting back value from the third register
4_debug: debug server to transfer data from board to PC in ESA LAB
Task 3: Grayscale image converter
Task4: Upgrade frome AXI Lite to AXI Full for faster image conversion
Task 5: Accelerator for a Sobel Filter in image processing area.