This repository is an implementation of "Communication Algorithms via Deep Learning"
Main Idea: This paper claims that a Recurrent Neural Network can learn from data to decode noisy signal over Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) Channel as good as Viterbi and BCJR algorithm.
Reproduced Result (Test data = 10,000 sequences, K = 100):
- Paper Result (Appendix A, page 12):
conda env create -f environment.yml
source activate deepcom
- reproduce_result.ipynb: A Jypyter notebook demonstrates how to train a Neural Decoder and compare the performance with Viterbi Decoder.
- Please see at the bottom of this README file.
- Why Bi-directional, and not uni-directional, RNN? Similar to dynamic programming, it usually consists of a forward and backward steps. The Bi-directional RNN architecture allows the network to learn the feature representation in both direction. I demonstrated a fail case, when using Uni-directional RNN, in
- Proper training data matters. Given message bit sequence
, transmitted codeword sequence of lengthc
and data rater
. Then, the paper provides an emperical method to selectSNR_train
- For example, the paper uses
and block lengthc=2K
. ThenSNR_{train} =min(SNR_{test}, 0)
. However, I ran an experiment and found that the model still converge when training model on higher SNR. In this example, we trained on SNR=4.0 andSNR_test = [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0]
Generate synthetic data for training/testing. This script will generate a pickle file
python \ --snr 0 \ --block_length 100 \ --num_training_sequences 12000\ --num_testing_sequences 10000 \ --num_cpu_cores 8 \ --training_seed 2018 \ --testing_seed 1111
Train the network
- For GPU supported machine
python \ --dataset ./rnn_12k_bl100_snr0.dataset \ --batch_size 200 --epochs 50 --dropout_Rate 0.7
- For CPU, properly take a long time to converge
python \ --dataset ./rnn_12k_bl100_snr0.dataset \ --batch_size 4 --epochs 50 --dropout_Rate 0.7
Benchmark the result, there are two ways
- Use a script to only benchmark the Neural Decoder (over multiple SNRs).
python \ --checkpoint_dir ./reports/logs/BiGRU-2-400::dropout0.7::epochs-50 --dataset ./rnn_12k_bl100_snr0.dataset \ --batch_size 200 \
- Use an existing benchmark notebook in