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GitHub action to prepare releases for DataLad and its extensions

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This repository provides two custom GitHub Actions for working with changelogs & releases in the flow used by DataLad and related projects.

Both actions operate on a repository that must already be using scriv to manage changelog entries. In addition, the repository must contain a YAML configuration file (named ".datalad-release-action.yaml" by default) for use by the actions containing the following keys:

  • fragment-directory — the path to scriv's fragment directory relative to the root of the repository (which must also be the directory in which the action is invoked); defaults to changelog.d

  • tag-prefix — string to prepend to the names of created tags and which all previous versioned tags in the repository must begin with; defaults to the empty string

  • categories(required) a list of mappings describing the changelog categories used by the project; the mapping keys are:

    • name(required) the category name as it will appear in changelog headers; this must match a corresponding category name in scriv.ini exactly
    • label — a GitHub label; any pull requests with this label will be placed under the given category by the add-changelog-snippet action. If a pull request has multiple category labels, the first matching category listed in the config file is used.
    • label-color — the color for the GitHub label, as a six-digit hexadecimal string (case insensitive) without a leading '#'; this color will be used when the label is added or updated via the "labels" command
    • label-description — the description for the GitHub label; this description will be used when the label is added or updated via the "labels" command
    • bump — the version bump level to use when a PR with the associated label is included in a release; can be major, minor, or patch (default)
  • extra-labels — a list of mappings describing additional labels for the "labels" command to create or update; the mapping keys are:

    • name (required)
    • color — a six-digit hexadecimal string (case insensitive) without a leading '#'
    • description

An example configuration file:

fragment-directory: changelog.d

tag-prefix: v

  - name: 💥 Breaking Changes
    bump: major
    label: major
    label-color: C5000B
    label-description: Increment the major version when merged
  - name: 🚀 Enhancements and New Features
    bump: minor
    label: minor
    label-color: F1A60E
    label-description: Increment the minor version when merged
  - name: 🐛 Bug Fixes
    label: patch
    label-color: "870048"
    label-description: Increment the patch version when merged
  - name: 🔩 Dependencies
    label: dependencies
    label-color: 8732bc
    label-description: Update one or more dependencies' versions
  - name: 📝 Documentation
    label: documentation
    label-color: cfd3d7
    label-description: Changes only affect the documentation
  - name: 🏠 Internal
    label: internal
    label-color: "696969"
    label-description: Changes only affect the internal API
  - name: 🏎 Performance
    label: performance
    label-color: f4b2d8
    label-description: Improve performance of an existing feature
  - name: 🧪 Tests
    label: tests
    label-color: ffd3cc
    label-description: Add or improve existing tests

  - name: release
    color: 007f70
    description: Create a release when this pr is merged
  - name: CHANGELOG-missing
    color: 5B0406
    description: When a PR does not contain add a changelog item, yet

Action: add-changelog-snippet

This action creates a file in the fragment directory for a pull request. The pull request must be labelled with at least one changelog category label.

If the PR already adds a file at the expected path, nothing is done. Otherwise, if the PR adds to the fragment directory exactly one file with a name of the form *[-_]*.md, that file is renamed to; if there are multiple such files, an error occurs.


- name: Add changelog snippet
  uses: datalad/release-action/add-changelog-snippet@v1
    # See "Inputs" below

The action will operate on the pull request identified by ${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}.


Key Meaning Default
config Path to the action configuration file .datalad-release-action.yaml
git-author-email E-mail address to use when committing the changelog snippet
git-author-name Name to use when committing the changelog snippet DataLad Bot
rm-labels Names of labels (on separate lines) to remove from the pull request after generating the fragment [empty]
token GitHub token to use for querying the GitHub API; just using ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} is recommended (required)

Sample Workflow Usage

name: Add changelog.d snippet

  # This action should be run in workflows triggered by `pull_request_target`
  # (not by regular `pull_request`!)
    # Run whenever the PR is pushed to, receives a label, or is created with
    # one or more labels:
    types: [synchronize, labeled]

# Prevent the workflow from running multiple jobs at once when a PR is created
# with multiple labels:
  group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.event.pull_request.head.label }}
  cancel-in-progress: true

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    # Only run on PRs that have the "CHANGELOG-missing" label:
    if: contains(github.event.pull_request.labels.*.name, 'CHANGELOG-missing')
      - name: Check out repository
        uses: actions/checkout@v4
          ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.ref }}
          repository: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name }}

      - name: Add changelog snippet
        uses: datalad/release-action/add-changelog-snippet@v1
          token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          rm-labels: CHANGELOG-missing

Action: release

This action prepares a release by performing the following:

  • All pull requests that have files in the fragments directory with names of the form or pr-PRNUM.rst are inspected in order to determine the maximum version bump level.

  • The highest-versioned tag that is of the form N.N.N after stripping tag-prefix (It is an error if there is no such tag or if there have been no commits to the repository's default branch since the highest tag) is used as the previous release version, and it is bumped by the version bump level to obtain the version for the new release.

  • A comment is made on all pull requests from step 1 and on the issues that they close mentioning the new release.

  • scriv collect is run to create a new changelog section, and the results are committed.

  • If the pre-tag input is not empty, it is executed as a series of Bash commands. These commands will have access to the following environment variables:

    • GITHUB_TOKEN — same as the token input
    • GIT_AUTHOR_NAME — same as the git-author-name input
    • GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL — same as the git-author-email input
    • GIT_COMMITTER_NAME — same as the git-author-name input
    • GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL — same as the git-author-email input
    • new_version — the version of the new release (without leading prefix)
    • new_tag — the tag of the new release (i.e., tag-prefix plus new_version)
  • The repository HEAD is tagged with an annotated tag named with the version of the new release prefixed with tag-prefix, the tag is pushed to GitHub, and scriv github-release is run.

  • If the pypi-token input is not empty, then python -m build is run, followed by twine upload dist/*


- name: Add changelog snippet
  uses: datalad/release-action/release@v1
    # See "Inputs" below


Key Meaning Default
config Path to the action configuration file .datalad-release-action.yaml
git-author-email E-mail address to use when committing
git-author-name Name to use when committing DataLad Bot
pre-tag A series of Bash commands to run after updating the changelog and before tagging [empty]
pypi-token A token for uploading a project to PyPI; supplying this will cause the project to be built & uploaded as a Python project to PyPI [empty]
token GitHub token to use for interacting with the GitHub API; just using ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} is recommended (required)


Key Meaning
new-tag The tag of the new release (includes prefix)
new-version The version of the new release (without leading prefix)

Sample Workflow Usage

name: Auto-release on PR merge

  # This action should be run in workflows triggered by `pull_request_target`
  # (not by regular `pull_request`!)
      # Create a release whenever a PR is merged into one of these branches:
      - master
      - maint
      - closed
  # Allow manually triggering a release via a "Run workflow" button on the
  # workflow's page:

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    # Only run for manual runs or merged PRs with the "release" label:
    if: >
      github.event_name == 'workflow_dispatch'
         || (github.event.pull_request.merged == true && contains(github.event.pull_request.labels.*.name, 'release'))
      - name: Checkout source
        uses: actions/checkout@v4
          # Check out all history so that the previous release tag can be
          # found:
          fetch-depth: 0

      - name: Prepare release
        uses: datalad/release-action/release@v1
          token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

Command: labels

This repository also provides a command for creating or updating the GitHub labels used by the actions and their workflows in a repository. The recommended way to invoke this command is via nox; after installing nox, the "labels" command can be invoked by running the following in a clone of this repository:

GITHUB_TOKEN=... nox -e labels -- repo-owner/repo-name path/to/config/file

where GITHUB_TOKEN is set to a GitHub API token with permission to modify labels in the desired repository, repo-owner/repo-name is replaced with the owner & name of the GitHub repository whose labels you want to update, and path/to/config/file is a path to a .datalad-release-action.yaml configuration file for the desired repository.


This repository also includes a shell script,, for automatically creating or updating the sample workflows shown above in a repository. Run it with ./ path/to/local/repo/clone.