A ready-to-use Angular/Ionic template with Firebase Authentication integration.
β οΈ Note: This project is currently under development and may contain bugs.
- π Firebase Authentication
- π Google, Apple, Email/Password Sign In
- π± Mobile Support (Android, iOS)
- π Web Support
- β‘ Backend Support (Nest.js, FastAPI)
- π CI/CD Automation (Google Cloud Build)
- π― And more...
This template provides a foundation for new projects. While you can run it locally, utilizing features like authentication, CI/CD, and Google Cloud Services requires setting up your own credentials and project names.
Make is required for the auto setup. It usually comes pre-installed on Unix-based systems.
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/dataclouder-dev/dataclouder-template-ionic.git [optional-project-name]
Update the Makefile variables with your project name and app ID.
Rename the project:
make rename-project
This command will rename all necessary files and variables (requires Python).
Required variables:
: Your Firebase project IDAPP_ID
: Your application ID (format: com.your-domain.app-name)DISPLAY_NAME
: The name that will be displayed in the title
The script will update the following files:
(Note: App name must be unique)
Initialize the project:
make init-project
This will verify dependencies and create a new Firebase project automatically.
if you already have a firebase project, you can skip the auto setup and do it manually.
- Create a new Firebase project (or use existing)
- Copy Firebase credentials to
- Enable Authentication methods:
- Navigate to Firebase Console β Authentication
- Enable Email/Password and Google sign-in
- Add authorized domains (localhost is included by default)
Get credentials from the Firebase console (create a new project if you don't have one). Copy and paste the credentials in the environment.ts.
That's all at this point. You should be able to run the app and be able to sign up using email or Google.
npm run start
- You need to change the project to Firebase Blaze and add a billing account.
- Initialize Storage in the console and set rules (testing rules to start).
Android (Pending)
* build.gradle
* strings.xml
* MainActivity.java -> This concerns me as it is a package name.
* project.pbxproj
* Info.plist
- Add Firebase variables in the environment.ts. Make sure your app is set with permissions to localhost.
- Go to Firebase Authentication https://console.firebase.google.com/project/[your-project]/authentication
- Add email authentication, add Google authentication
- Check authorized domains, by default it is localhost.
- Go to project settings -> your apps and create a new app or get the Firebase data if you already have it. Save this data in environment.ts.
- Done. Sign in and verify at https://console.firebase.google.com/project/[your-project]/authentication/users that you have your new user.
- Publish the web app.
Enable hosting at https://console.firebase.google.com/project/[your-project]/apphosting
npm install -g firebase-tools
firebase init hosting --project dataclouder-pro Answer the questions directory -> www, single-page app: y -> GitHub no -> override yes
This is just to get the firebase.json and .firebaserc files (you can also copy them).
npm run install or make init-project
npm run start or make start
Note: you need to set backend in environment.ts in order to connect with methods. check projects.
https://github.com/dataclouder-dev/dataclouder-template-node https://github.com/dataclouder-dev/dataclouder-template-python
npm run build
firebase deploy --only hosting:dataclouder-pro
firebase deploy --only hosting:dataclouder-dev : change .firebaserc to dataclouder-dev
make deploy
Pending... connect with Google Cloud Trigger.s
1) To avoid delaying other steps, it is best to create your certificate right away.
* Reasons: It is required for publication and for multiple environments to work.
* It is required for Google login.
2) Create keystore.
* Navigate to the android folder. cd android/app
* keytool -genkey -v -keystore dataclouder.keystore -alias pro -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
* Prepare to answer:
name: jordan
unit: dev
organization: dataclouder
city: cdmx
province: cdmx
country code: mx
confirm: y
* Optional: Create a second key for another environment for greater security, or use the same one for speed and convenience.
keytool -genkey -v -keystore dataclouder.keystore -alias dev -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
pass: Hola1234
3) Obtain the corresponding certificates and save them in the credentials.
keytool -list -v -keystore dataclouder.keystore
* Go to Google Cloud Console, https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials?project=[your-project], you will see a default Firebase one used by the web.
* Create an Android client -> Create OAuth client ID
* Create an Android certificate.
* (Optional) Add the consent screen.
* Select your universal ID dev.dataclouder.template.
4) Add Android to the project (ionic add android is already done but only to compare file changes) or make file configurations.
* Build Gradle is already prepared, change the variables and environment names / TODO: See if I can change the variables.
* Modify the main project files.
* Run the project and test Google authentication.
1) Create the iOS authentication credential.
2) Extract the client ID and reverse client ID data in the Additional Information section.
TODO: Understand how to extract the developer team, script to change the developer team 97TH9F3GM9.
From the interface, I set it as a variable $(REVERSED_CLIENT_ID) but here you just need to add the data to the configuration files.
From the interface, I created the configuration files to modify the pbxproj.
Start the development server:
npm run start
This project also comes with ready to use backend in Nest.js and Python FastAPI.
-> https://github.com/adamofig/dataclouder-python-template
-> https://github.com/adamofig/dataclouder-template-node
Very easy step if you want to automate the deployment on Google Cloud.
Or use the existing one.
3) Add the secrets for environments ts or upload your environment to your source code if project is private needs to be called, 'environment_secret'
- Add permissions to the service account -> Secret Manager Secret Accessor
- create a varible for yaml building script usualy _ENV = dev or _ENV = pro.
- this script is the one used in package.json build:dev
follow instructions here: https://cloud.google.com/build/docs/deploying-builds/deploy-firebase is basically create image container that is able to compile the project, the important commands are:
# clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/cloud-builders-community.git
cd cloud-builders-community/firebase
# build the image and upload to artifact registry
gcloud builds submit .