Repartitioner partitions a RDD and define how it gets spread out over a cluster.
Configuration | Required | Default | Description |
Partitions | N | 1 | Specifies the number of partitions or level of parallelism to be set for the RDD emitted out of this plugin. |
Shuffle Data | N | False | Specifies whether the data need to be shuffled during repartitioning of RDD. |
By default the behavior of repartitioning is similar to coalesce
in which case, you decrease number of partition of RDD without shuffling data over the network. You can use this plugin to reduce or increase partitions of an RDD. If you are decreasing partition it's a good practise not to shuffle the data -- in doing so, it will keep the data on the number of nodes and pull in the remaining data from other nodes.
If you are using this plugin to increase the partitions it's a good practise to shuffle the data, there is a cost associated with shuffling, but evening out data over the partitions helps improve the performance.
Clone the this repo to your local environment
git clone repartitioner
Clone the this repo to your local environment
git clone repartitioner
To build your plugins:
mvn clean package -DskipTests
The build will create a .jar and .json file under the target
These files can be used to deploy your plugins.
You can deploy your plugins using the CDAP CLI:
> load artifact <target/repartitioner-<version>.jar> config-file <target/repartitioner-<version>.json>
For example, if your artifact is named 'repartitioner-:
> load artifact target/repartitioner-<version>.jar config-file target/repartitioner-<version>.json
CDAP User Group and Development Discussions: <>
The cdap-user mailing list is primarily for users using the product to develop applications or building plugins for appplications. You can expect questions from users, release announcements, and any other discussions that we think will be helpful to the users.
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