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Repository files navigation

Photo viewer


Web application start


Base prepare

  1. Clone repository from
  2. Go to the backend directory
  3. Run cp .env.dist .env
  4. Get api key and api secret from the Face++ service and copy them to .env file in FACEPLUSPLUS_API_KEY and FACEPLUSPLUS_API_SECRET fields

With Docker compose

In project root run command

docker-compose up --build backend

Manual backend install

You'll need Python 3.7 for starting app

  1. Go to the backend directory in the project root
  2. Run make init for initing python virtual env
  3. Run make install-dev for installing project dependencies
  4. Run make run-dev

Now Photo viewer API is running on localhost:8888 You can try to check api sandbox: Local sandbox


For starting frontend app you'll need Node latest version

Manual frontend install

  1. Go to the frontend directory in the project root
  2. Run yarn install for installing frontend dependencies
  3. If you want to use local api server - change Apollo Client uri field in project/frontend/src/index.tsx to localhost:8888.
  4. Run yarn start for starting frontend

Frontend is running on localhost:3000

Now go to Local frontend for checking out our awesome web app.

Deployed App

Deployed Application

Deployed API Sandbox
