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Darwinia and Crab Network Database Snapshot

Bear Wang edited this page Aug 30, 2023 · 16 revisions

Darwinia provides the node database snapshots for node maintainers. It enables maintainers to download the latest snapshot, unarchive, and start a node instantly without syncing from block zero.

Available Snapshots

The number in the file names indicates the block height of the snapshot. For example, the block number of snapshot darwinia2-883924.tar.zst is 883924.


  1. Install zstd:

    # Debian, Ubuntu
    apt install zstd
    # CentOS, Rad Hat
    dnf install zstd
    # Arch Linux
    pacman -S zstd
  2. Download the snapshot archive and extract:

    Copy the snapshot archive URL from or Always choosing the latest snapshot with the highest block number is strongly recommended.

    wget -c # the snapshot URL
    tar xv --zstd -f darwinia2-xxxx.tar.zst -C /path/to/chain-dir # Or tar xv -I zstd -f darwinia2-xxxx.tar.zst -C /path/to/chain-dir

    It's worth noting that /path/to/chain-dir depends on two factors:

    • the node CLI option --base.
    • the chain name.

    For example, assume with --base /data, the chain dirs for networks are:

    • Darwinia Network: /data/chains/darwinia2
    • Crab Network: /data/chains/crab2

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