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[vm, gc] Add missing promotion of Finalizer external size. Remove rac…
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…e incrementing external size.

When a FinalizerEntry's target gets promoted, the associated external size needs to also get promoted. We were handling the cases where the FinalizerEntry itself was either already old or remained new, but not the case where it was promoted. Failing to promote the external size meant that when the finalizer was collected, external size was subtraced from old space that was still being attributed to new space, so the old space total external size became negative.

Bug: #50537
Change-Id: Id2fe2d748311de73f04de367c9cd153d87b74ad1
Reviewed-by: Daco Harkes <>
Commit-Queue: Ryan Macnak <>
  • Loading branch information
rmacnak-google authored and Commit Queue committed Nov 30, 2022
1 parent dba1e5f commit f4b34ad
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Showing 19 changed files with 1,370 additions and 1,197 deletions.
85 changes: 85 additions & 0 deletions runtime/tests/vm/dart/splay_c_finalizer_test.dart
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

// This test is a derivative of the Splay benchmark that is run with a variety
// of different GC options. It makes for a good GC stress test because it
// continuously makes small changes to a large, long-lived data structure,
// stressing lots of combinations of references between new-gen and old-gen
// objects, and between marked and unmarked objects.

// VMOptions=
// VMOptions=--no_concurrent_mark --no_concurrent_sweep
// VMOptions=--no_concurrent_mark --concurrent_sweep
// VMOptions=--no_concurrent_mark --use_compactor
// VMOptions=--no_concurrent_mark --use_compactor --force_evacuation
// VMOptions=--concurrent_mark --no_concurrent_sweep
// VMOptions=--concurrent_mark --concurrent_sweep
// VMOptions=--concurrent_mark --use_compactor
// VMOptions=--concurrent_mark --use_compactor --force_evacuation
// VMOptions=--scavenger_tasks=0
// VMOptions=--scavenger_tasks=1
// VMOptions=--scavenger_tasks=2
// VMOptions=--scavenger_tasks=3
// VMOptions=--verify_before_gc
// VMOptions=--verify_after_gc
// VMOptions=--verify_before_gc --verify_after_gc
// VMOptions=--verify_store_buffer
// VMOptions=--verify_after_marking
// VMOptions=--stress_write_barrier_elimination
// VMOptions=--old_gen_heap_size=150

import "dart:ffi";
import "dart:io";

import "splay_common.dart";

void main() {
if (Platform.isWindows) {
print("No malloc via self process lookup on Windows");

// Split across turns so finalizers can run.

class FinalizerSplay extends Splay {
newPayload(int depth, String tag) => Payload.generate(depth, tag);
Node newNode(num key, Object? value) => new FinalizerNode(key, value);

final libc = DynamicLibrary.process();
typedef MallocForeign = Pointer<Void> Function(IntPtr size);
typedef MallocNative = Pointer<Void> Function(int size);
final malloc = libc.lookupFunction<MallocForeign, MallocNative>('malloc');
typedef FreeForeign = Void Function(Pointer<Void>);
final free = libc.lookup<NativeFunction<FreeForeign>>('free');
final freeFinalizer = NativeFinalizer(free);

class Leaf implements Finalizable {
final Pointer<Void> memory;

Leaf(String tag) : memory = malloc(15) {
if (memory == nullptr) {
throw OutOfMemoryError();
freeFinalizer.attach(this, memory, detach: this, externalSize: 15);

class Payload {
Payload(this.left, this.right);
var left, right;

static generate(depth, tag) {
if (depth == 0) return new Leaf(tag);
return new Payload(generate(depth - 1, tag), generate(depth - 1, tag));

class FinalizerNode extends Node {
FinalizerNode(num key, Object? value) : super(key, value);

Node? left, right;
290 changes: 290 additions & 0 deletions runtime/tests/vm/dart/splay_common.dart
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

import "dart:async";
import "dart:math";

abstract class Node {
Node(this.key, this.value);
final num key;
final Object? value;

Node? get left;
set left(Node? value);
Node? get right;
set right(Node? value);

* Performs an ordered traversal of the subtree starting here.
void traverse(void f(Node n)) {
Node? current = this;
while (current != null) {
Node? left = current.left;
if (left != null) left.traverse(f);
current = current.right;

class Leaf {
Leaf(String tag)
: string = "String for key $tag in leaf node",
array = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] {}
String string;
List<num> array;

abstract class Splay {
newPayload(int depth, String tag);
Node newNode(num key, Object? value);

// Configuration.
static final int kTreeSize = 8000;
static final int kTreeModifications = 80;
static final int kTreePayloadDepth = 5;

Random rnd = new Random(12345);

// Insert new node with a unique key.
num insertNewNode() {
num key;
do {
key = rnd.nextDouble();
} while (find(key) != null);
insert(key, newPayload(kTreePayloadDepth, key.toString()));
return key;

void setup() {
for (int i = 0; i < kTreeSize; i++) insertNewNode();

void tearDown() {
// Allow the garbage collector to reclaim the memory
// used by the splay tree no matter how we exit the
// tear down function.
List<num> keys = exportKeys();
// tree = null;

// Verify that the splay tree has the right size.
int length = keys.length;
if (length != kTreeSize) throw new Error("Splay tree has wrong size");

// Verify that the splay tree has sorted, unique keys.
for (int i = 0; i < length - 1; i++) {
if (keys[i] >= keys[i + 1]) throw new Error("Splay tree not sorted");

void exercise() {
// Replace a few nodes in the splay tree.
for (int i = 0; i < kTreeModifications; i++) {
num key = insertNewNode();
Node? greatest = findGreatestLessThan(key);
if (greatest == null)

void main() {
final sw = Stopwatch()..start();
while (sw.elapsedMilliseconds < 2000) {

void mainAsync() {
final sw = Stopwatch()..start();
step() {
if (sw.elapsedMilliseconds < 2000) {
} else {

* A splay tree is a self-balancing binary search tree with the additional
* property that recently accessed elements are quick to access again.
* It performs basic operations such as insertion, look-up and removal
* in O(log(n)) amortized time.

* Inserts a node into the tree with the specified [key] and value if
* the tree does not already contain a node with the specified key. If
* the value is inserted, it becomes the root of the tree.
void insert(num key, value) {
if (isEmpty) {
root = newNode(key, value);
// Splay on the key to move the last node on the search path for
// the key to the root of the tree.
if (root!.key == key) return;
Node node = newNode(key, value);
if (key > root!.key) {
node.left = root;
node.right = root!.right;
root!.right = null;
} else {
node.right = root;
node.left = root!.left;
root!.left = null;
root = node;

* Removes a node with the specified key from the tree if the tree
* contains a node with this key. The removed node is returned. If
* [key] is not found, an exception is thrown.
Node remove(num key) {
if (isEmpty) throw new Error('Key not found: $key');
if (root!.key != key) throw new Error('Key not found: $key');
Node removed = root!;
if (root!.left == null) {
root = root!.right;
} else {
Node? right = root!.right;
root = root!.left;
// Splay to make sure that the new root has an empty right child.
// Insert the original right child as the right child of the new
// root.
root!.right = right;
return removed;

* Returns the node having the specified [key] or null if the tree doesn't
* contain a node with the specified [key].
Node? find(num key) {
if (isEmpty) return null;
return root!.key == key ? root : null;

* Returns the Node having the maximum key value.
Node? findMax([Node? start]) {
if (isEmpty) return null;
Node current = null == start ? root! : start;
while (current.right != null) current = current.right!;
return current;

* Returns the Node having the maximum key value that
* is less than the specified [key].
Node? findGreatestLessThan(num key) {
if (isEmpty) return null;
// Splay on the key to move the node with the given key or the last
// node on the search path to the top of the tree.
// Now the result is either the root node or the greatest node in
// the left subtree.
if (root!.key < key) return root;
if (root!.left != null) return findMax(root!.left);
return null;

* Perform the splay operation for the given key. Moves the node with
* the given key to the top of the tree. If no node has the given
* key, the last node on the search path is moved to the top of the
* tree. This is the simplified top-down splaying algorithm from:
* "Self-adjusting Binary Search Trees" by Sleator and Tarjan
void splay(num key) {
if (isEmpty) return;
// Create a dummy node. The use of the dummy node is a bit
// counter-intuitive: The right child of the dummy node will hold
// the L tree of the algorithm. The left child of the dummy node
// will hold the R tree of the algorithm. Using a dummy node, left
// and right will always be nodes and we avoid special cases.
final Node dummy = newNode(0, null);
Node left = dummy;
Node right = dummy;
Node current = root!;
while (true) {
if (key < current.key) {
if (current.left == null) break;
if (key < current.left!.key) {
// Rotate right.
Node tmp = current.left!;
current.left = tmp.right;
tmp.right = current;
current = tmp;
if (current.left == null) break;
// Link right.
right.left = current;
right = current;
current = current.left!;
} else if (key > current.key) {
if (current.right == null) break;
if (key > current.right!.key) {
// Rotate left.
Node tmp = current.right!;
current.right = tmp.left;
tmp.left = current;
current = tmp;
if (current.right == null) break;
// Link left.
left.right = current;
left = current;
current = current.right!;
} else {
// Assemble.
left.right = current.left;
right.left = current.right;
current.left = dummy.right;
current.right = dummy.left;
root = current;

* Returns a list with all the keys of the tree.
List<num> exportKeys() {
List<num> result = [];
if (!isEmpty) root!.traverse((Node node) => result.add(node.key));
return result;

// Tells whether the tree is empty.
bool get isEmpty => null == root;

// Pointer to the root node of the tree.
Node? root;

class Error implements Exception {
const Error(this.message);
final String message;

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