i have attached [employee-service-contract.json] --> the file generated from OPENAPI by following the URL http://localhost:8090/v3/api-docs and I formatted it in JSON file after success build to the project
please follow this instruction for success build to the project:
1-inside the root of the project issue command ---> [mvn clean install] or you can use [./mvnw] wrapper of spring boot by doing this you will generate the jar file and run unit test (for unit test i just put a smaple for integration test function and the rest of function will be easy so put just sample)
2-insdei the root of the project issue command ---> [docker-compoe up] and it will build the image using the existing Dockerfile then start the DB then our serivce
you can test this project by :
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json"
-d '{"name":"testName","age":20,"contactList":[{"address":"42 london st","mobile":"01123456789"}]}'
http://localhost:8090/employee -
PUT http://localhost:8090/employee/{employeeName}/{your-desired-state} curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json"
Or, you can use Postman thanks