The un-conventional KGS app.
Look up any active KGS player for receiving some aggregated information at your fingertips!
A no-frills test web app, written leveraging OpenUI5 and metaKGS. And YQL.
- player's strength ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ vs average opponents' strength ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
- friendly indicator (greets/thanks after game) ☺
- Rengo indicator 👥
- opening style indicators: what player usually plays in the first 4 moves. The most standard moves are recognized: 4-4, 4-3, 3-3, 5-3, 5-4
- user's picture
After loading up the OpenUI5 framework (about 500 KB), it presents a clean screen with an input field to specify the username you wish to query. The query submits a request to the archives page via metaKGS, and drills down, parsing up to two games in order to extract some more information.
Just copy the main application file (unKGS.html) wherever (pc/mobile device), along as the img/ folder and the files therein contained, in the same folder as the main application file. This is a pure HTML5 app so it should run anywhere.
How to download the main application file unKGS.html from GitHub:
- Go to the unKGS.html file
- Click it to view the contents within the GitHub UI.
- In the top right, right click the Raw button.
- Save as
Next, create an "img" folder.
Finally, download the images in the img folder.
The app has also been published by @kgsnick at: