My solutions to the home works in Programming and algorithms 2 course at FIT CTU. The course focused on objected oriented programming and abstract data types with the use of C++.
The task was to create a set of functions that can (de)compress Huffman code as an input.
The task was to create the CTaxRegister
class, that has this interface:
- constructor/destructor
Birth(Name, Addr, Acc)
method - adds new record to the databaseDeath (Name, Addr)
method - removes record from databaseIncome
method - adds a record of income to the account of citizenExpense
method - adds a record of expense to the account of citizenAudit
method - finds all information about the citizenListByName
method - returds an instance ofCIterator
The task was to create the CBigInt
class that can represent integers in a (very) big range. The task was focused on implementing overloaded operators
The task was to create CBank
class which implements internet banking. It has the following interface:
- implicit constructor/copying constructor/destructor
- = operator - makes a deep copy of an instance
- adds a new accountTransaction(debitAcc,creditAcc,amount,sign)
- creates a transaction between 2 accounts
The task was to create CMailBox
and CMail
classes to simulate a mailbox on a mail server.
The program allows for creation and filling of the created quizes in a terminal environment. It implements 3 different types of questions:
- Exact word: the answer has to be the same as when creating the quiz
- Multiple choice: user chooses between 3 different possible answers
- Sequence: User needs to put the answer in correct sequence