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Announce to IRC

darkalchemy edited this page Aug 23, 2019 · 1 revision

This page details how to make Pu-239 talk to an eggdrop bot and have it post to a channel on an IRC Server.

I am using UnrealIRCd v4.2.4.1 and Eggdrop 1.8.4 for this. This assumes that you have already built unrealircd and eggdrop and it can join channels on the irc server of your choice.

You will need to edit function_ircbot.php and announce.tcl. function_ircbot.php sends the post to announce.tcl and the eggdrop bot posts to the desired channel.

In function_ircbot.php, edit this to point to the ip:port of your eggdrop bot. If the eggdrop is not on the same server as Pu-239 then set 'pidfile' => ''

    $bot = [
        // IP or FQDN that points to eggdrop
        'ip' => 'localhost',
        'port' => 35791,
        //change this here and announce.tcl
        'pass' => 'XZ0jMsqZi2va1ENI',
        // change this here and eggdrop.conf
        'pidfile' => '/home/ircbot/ion/pid.IoN',
        'sleep' => 2,

The ip can be an ip or url and it must match the ip or url to the eggdrop. pass is the password and must match that in announce.tcl.

Let's assume the eggdrop is not on the same server as Pu-239.

    $bot = [
        'ip' => '',
        'port' => 45678,
        'pass' => 'really_really_really_strong_password',
        'pidfile' => '',
        'sleep' => 2,

That's all that needs change in function_ircbot.php.

Now for announce.tcl, edit these lines to match those above:

set conf(port) 35791
set conf(pass) XZ0jMsqZi2va1ENI
set conf(chan) #announce


set conf(port) 45678
set conf(pass) really_really_really_strong_password
set conf(chan) #announce

As you can see, no quotes around anything, so no spaces either.

One more edit and you done. Edit your eggdrop.conf file and add this to the bottom.

source /path/to/announce.tcl

This can be a relative or absolute path.

Now restart or rehash your eggdrop to load announce.tcl and verify that $site_config['site']['autoshout_irc'] is enabled.

Thats all there is.