This is a simple web app to interacts with light bulbs. It allows you to turn on and off the light bulbs and change their brightness as well.
This project uses a in-memory API to simulate the list of devices. Here you can see it
These are the features implemented in the app to help users to control their light bulbs.
- Show a list with the available light bulbs.
- Sort the list of light bulbs (devices) by name.
- Select a light bulb from the list by clicking a row.
- Turn the selected light bulb off/on through a switch toggle button.
- Edit the light bulb name by click the pencil icon at the left of the row.
- Change the light bulb brightness through a brightness control where you can drag a button to put the desired brightness.
- Show a notification bar if any error comes up.
Clone the repository to a local folder:
$ git clone
$ cd light-bulb-control-assigment/
Define required variables. This app requires a server to fetch the devices. You can find a example .env file named .env.example with the required variable.
$ cp .env.example .env
$ echo "REACT_APP_API_URL=http://localhost:8080/api/v1/" >> .env
Then, run the following commands to install the required dependencies and start the app as development mode:
$ yarn install
$ yarn start
Finally, you just need to go to your browser and enter http://localhost:3000/.
In order to run the tests and see the test coverage, you can execute one of these commands:
Only run the tests
$ yarn test
Run the tests and print their coverage
$ yarn test:coverage
Go to the root folder and execute the following command:
$ yarn build
The build will be located in the default build folder.
This project has been created following some standards to organize the source code.
- ESLint with the Airbnb and Jest standards to demand a clean code. See more:
- JSDoc to demand documentation on the functions and their parameters. See more:
- Redux State manager to handler the different states of the app. See more:
- Redux Ducks to organize the actions and reducers of Redux. See more:
- Jest to test the source code. See more:
- Enzyme utility to simplify the test cases and their implementation. See more:
Dariel de Jesús