A simple but very useful terminal software to download files from mediafire.com (files and folders).
Usage: mediafiredl [options] [links...]
Download files and folders from MediaFire
links Links Links to MediaFire files or folders
-V, --version Display version number
-o, --output <path> Output directory (default: current directory) (default: "./")
-m, --max-downloads <number> Maximum simultaneous downloads (default: "2")
-i, --input-file <path> Path to a text file containing MediaFire links
-d, --details Enable verbose output (verbose mode) (default: false)
--inspect Get detailed information about the given link without downloading the file. (default: false)
--beautify Returns beautified data to display for the 'inspect' option. (default: false)
-h, --help Show help
Just you have to go to the Release Page to get the correct binary. Supported operating systems are: Linux, Windows (Intel and ARM), Mac (Intel and ARM)
## Example for Linux installation
wget -c https://github.com/dapize/mediafiredl/releases/download/v0.1.0/mediafiredl_linux -O mediafiredl
chmod +x ./mediafiredl
And voila! That's all you need to use the mediafiredl.
- Fork the project.
- Create a branch for your new feature.
- Write the new feature.
- Write the unit test.
- Submit a pull request.
If you think this software is useful and saves you a lot of work, a lot of costs and let you sleep much better, then donating a small amount would be very cool.
You can help by reporting bugs, suggesting features, reviewing feature specifications or just by sharing your opinion. Use GitHub Issues for all of that. All pull requests are welcome !
The code and documentation are published under the Mit License.