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The source code for, originally written in 2016


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This is the source code for

It's an old project so I'm not spending a ton of time making the site itself very pretty. I am using it as a bit of playground for learning more about deployment and cloud infrastructure.

At time of writing, I'm migrating this content from a Django app I wrote in 2016, to be a very simple static site served from s3. There are of course a lot of ways this site (and the content) could be improved, but I'm favoring my own learning of more devops-y things like serving a static site from s3, and having a repeatable deployment process (getting some more terraform practice, for example). Since this is an old project, I haven't yet added some niceties like linting, prettier, typescript, etc., as these are things I already know how to do.

If you're a linguist and want to suggest a change

You can open an issue on this repository, or open a pull request. Note that you want to edit the .njk files, and not the .html files, which are generated automatically.

You want to build the site locally

This uses a couple of node scripts to take simple nunjucks templates and compile them to html. I wrote a very janky express server that will serve the site locally for quick development.

Install Node

I was using the LTS 16.13.2, for the record, but hopefully that won't matter too much.

Install yarn (or use npm instead)

Install dependencies

Run yarn.

Run the development server

yarn start

Go to localhost:8000 and you can see the site.

See package.json::scripts::start for what the start command does. In short, it will read the templates in templates/, and output them to html/. The files in html/ are not meant to be edited by hand. A very naïve express server will serve the files, and nodemon watches for changes (though you'll have to refresh your browser to view them).

See package.json::scripts for other available scripts.

WIP use API gateway and lambda function to allow users to submit a contact form

This is just getting underway. So far I've been able to successfully build a hello-world lambda function via a container, which is built and pushed to ECR with terraform.

A summary from the AWS docs for some dev tips:

Run built image locally and send an event

cd send_contact_email
docker build -t send-contact-email .
docker run -p 9000:8080 -t send-contact-email

# in another terminal window
curl -XPOST "http://localhost:9000/2015-03-31/functions/function/invocations" -d '{}'


I deploy this to my AWS account using terraform. At time of writing no one except me has credentials to push to my account.


The source code for, originally written in 2016







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