⚡ Welcome to the Realtime Chat API, a web service designed to support a simple yet engaging chat application. This document will guide you through the application features, API functionalities, and the usage.
The Realtime Chat application is built with a real-time communication feature using Socket.IO. It allows users to send and receive messages instantly. The application also supports user authentication and message history.
In order to use the chat, you must register as a user with a unique email, name, and password. Each user can see a list of all the messages they've sent and received.
The API supports the following operations:
User registration: A user can register with a unique email, name, and password. On creation, a unique identifier and registration date is assigned.
User login: A user can log in with their registered email and password. On successful login, a JWT token is generated for the user.
Send a message: A registered user can send a message. Each message will be recorded with the sender's name, the message content, and the time it was sent.
List messages: A user can view a list of all the messages they've sent and received, along with the time each message was sent.
List users: The API allows to list all the registered users.
The API follows the main design patterns and respects a clean architecture structure. The persistence is achieved through Mysql database using Sequelize as an ORM.
Please refer to the /documentation directory to view the full specification of the available endpoints.
To get started with the backend of this application, you first need to navigate to the server directory:
cd server
Then, install the project dependencies:
npm install
To start the server in development mode, run the following script:
npm run dev
Then, open http://localhost:8000 to access the server.
To run the server in production mode, first build the TypeScript code into JavaScript by running:
npm run build
This will generate the dist directory with the compiled JavaScript files.
Then, start the server by running:
npm start
This will start the server and make it available at http://localhost:8000.
This project comes with several predefined scripts in the package.json file:
Runs ESLint to check code quality.
Runs ESLint to fix code style issues.
Starts the development server with ts-node-dev and allows debugging
Removes the ./dist folder and compiles the TypeScript code intoJavaScript in the ./dist folder.
Starts the server in production using the compiled files in the dist/ folder.
To get started with the frontend of this application, you first need to navigate to the client directory:
cd client
Then, install the project dependencies:
npm install
To start the client in development mode, run the following script:
npm run dev
Then, open http://localhost:3000 to access the client.
To run the client in production mode, first build the Next.js code by running:
npm run build
This will generate the .next directory with the compiled JavaScript files.
Then, start the client by running:
npm start
This will start the client and make it available at http://localhost:3000.
This project comes with several predefined scripts in the package.json file:
Starts the development server.
Builds the application for production.
Starts the application in production mode.
Runs ESLint to check code quality.
The application uses environment variables for configuration. You can find a template for these variables in the .env-template file in the root directory of both the server and client.
PORT: The port number where the server will run.
NODE_ENV: The current environment (development, production, etc.).
SECRET: The secret key used for JWT authentication.
FRONT_URL: The URL of the frontend application.
DATABASE_NAME: The name of the database for the application.
DATABASE_NAME_TEST: The name of the database for testing.
MYSQL_HOST: The host of the MySQL database.
MYSQL_USER: The user for the MySQL database.
MYSQL_PASSWORD: The password for the MySQL database user.
NEXTAUTH_SECRET: The secret key used for NextAuth.
NEXT_PUBLIC_API_URL: The URL of the backend server.