API skeleton using roda and sequel.
$ gem install bundler && bundle install
$ docker-compose up -d database
$ bundle exec rake db:setup
$ rerun "rackup -p 3000"
$ docker-compose up -d database
$ RACK_ENV=test bundle exec rake db:setup
$ rake # or "bundle exec rspec"
After running the test suite, the coverage report is on the coverage/index.html file.
To see all available tasks, run bundle exec rake -T
Besides, there is some binary files, that allows you to run an app console or db console.
To run them, execute bin/_<command>_
Use rubocop to verify the code style:
$ bundle exec rubocop
Use rubycritic to generate a report about the overall code quality:
$ bundle exec rake dev:rubycritic
Use yard to generate the code documentation:
$ bundle exec rake dev:yard
- Clone/Fork the project!
- Create your feature branch:
git checkout -b my-new-feature
- Commit your changes:
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
- Push them:
git push origin my-new-feature
- Open a merge request :D