Gusarev's bone suppression method, as described in
The software here has been implemented in Python 3.6 and PyTorch. A batch normalisation layer was added in the convolutional blocks order to improve image quality and reduce artefacts. Hence, convolutional blocks now look like: conv->batchnorm->relu
The pre-trained model is in the root directory, called "trained_network.tar". It is trained on 256x256 PNG images. This tar file is a dictionary containing the model state-dict, optimiser state-dict, and scheduler state-dict, the number of epochs completed and the number of real image-pairs shown to train the model.
- Input your desired dataset into
- Run analysis_script.ipynb on jupyter notebook or jupyter lab
Training data from the JSRT Chest X-ray dataset (not included) by Shiraishi et al. ( and the bone-suppressed version by Juhász et al. ( The dataset can be downloaded from
Modify the main.ipynb file as needed in order to implement the correct settings and paths. Modify the file to cleanly implement custom datasets.
Pytorch-MSSSIM from and was used for training, as specified in the Gusarev et al. paper. torchviz is from and was used for debugging.