A neural network from scratch (only Numpy)
The elements of the project are as follows.
activation.py: functions and derivatives for different types of activation function
- STEP # step function - perceptrons
- LINEAR # linear function
- SIGMOID # sigmoid
- TANH # tanh
- L_RELU # leaky ReLU
cost.py: functions and derivatives for different types of cost function
- ABS_ERROR # absolute difference
- QUADRATIC # quadratic error
datasetxy.py: functions for input selection
- ALL # all points of the plane
- RANDOM # random selected points from the plane
initialization.py: functions for different types of initialization (for weights and biases)
- ZERO # initialization with zero
- RANDOM # random gaussian distribution
- CONSTANT # constant initialization
regularization.py: functions for different types of regularization
- NONE # no regularization
- L1 # L1 regularization
- L2 # L2 regularization
training.py: types of training
- GRADIENT_D # gradient descent
- STOCHSTC_GD # stochastic gradient descent
- monitor.py: functions for displaying data from the neural network
- neuralNetwork.py: the neural network, that uses all other elements
- test.and.py: neural network representation of an AND logic gate
- test.classn.binflags.py: a classification for two values, with output as flags ([1,0] or [0,1])
- test.classn.binvalues.py: a classification for two values, with output as single values ([0] or [1])
- test.classn.example.py: a slightly more complex problem of classification
- test.clustg.autoencdr.py: an example of autoencoder neural network
- test.regrsn.py: a regression problem
The neural network shows the values of prediction on the training dataset and on the evaluation dataset.
An example from test.classn.binvalues.py:
predictions on training data
[ 1 1] [ 1] [ 1.00]
[ 1 2] [ 1] [ 1.00]
[ 1 3] [ 1] [ 1.00]
[ 1 4] [ 1] [ 1.00]
[ 1 5] [ 1] [ 1.00]
[ 1 6] [ 1] [ 1.00]
[ 1 10] [ 1] [ 1.00]
[ 2 1] [ 1] [ 1.00]
[ 2 2] [ 1] [ 1.00]
[ 2 4] [ 1] [ 1.00]
[ 9 8] [ 0] [ 0.02]
[ 9 9] [ 0] [ 0.03]
[ 9 10] [ 0] [ 0.02]
[ 10 1] [ 1] [ 0.96]
[ 10 3] [ 0] [ -0.00]
[ 10 4] [ 0] [ -0.03]
[ 10 7] [ 0] [ -0.01]
[ 10 8] [ 0] [ 0.03]
[ 10 9] [ 0] [ 0.04]
predictions on evaluation data
[ 1 7] [ 1] [ 1.00]
[ 1 8] [ 1] [ 1.00]
[ 1 9] [ 1] [ 1.00]
[ 2 3] [ 1] [ 1.00]
[ 2 9] [ 1] [ 1.00]
[ 9 6] [ 0] [ -0.04]
[ 9 7] [ 0] [ -0.00]
[ 10 2] [ 1] [ 0.80]
[ 10 5] [ 0] [ -0.04]
[ 10 6] [ 0] [ -0.03]
[ 10 10] [ 0] [ 0.04]
And based on these flags, shows the following graphs
self.input_log # the input data
self.traing_qtts_log # the neural network with weights represented by lines of varying thickness
self.traing_acts_log # the activation function
self.traing_cost_log # the cost function on the training dataset
self.evaltn_cost_log # the cost function on the evaluation dataset
- circled points on the input graph are the evaluation points
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