Each class has access to the database through the Bridge object, the latter is responsible for giving "publish" accessibility to the database and takes care of writing and reading operations in memory
FRAGMENTS: the latter overwrite the elements of the upper bar with the actions they prefer each fragment uses the binding and extends the Utils interface, which allows a series of tools including notifications, toasts and animations
ACTIVITIES: the two activities are turned on and off by the Switcher which starts another activity and terminates the current one, that current one is established by overriding each Activity of the method onResume, which communicates with the Switcher at every start; here too the data exchange is completely public
CONTROLLER: AccessDone->tracks the first launch of the app, being the REadFromFile method in the onCreate() method the latter is also called when you go to Login and then go back to MAin, instead thanks to this Static Object we keep track and limit memory reading only on first boot
MODEL: AbstractEmail shares parameters for both emails with and without files and is extended by SimpleEmail and StructuredEmail; both override sendEmail() and the instance variables of the class, all integrated with Coroutines which relaunch the value (through the database and the Bridge) up to the activities/fragments, the latter execute these suspend function in the MainScope.launch{}, since it is not possible to catch exceptions from the coroutines outside of the latter.
-modify your default email in the database.kt file for receiving a new user and subscriber, the latter performs 2 functions: 1st establishes the connection, 2nd notifies the creator of a new user
-modify the URL of the Insta, Discord and Facebook accounts in the login.kt