A collection of my Webfishing mods for the GDWeave Mod Loader
- Download and install the latest version of the GDWeave Mod Loader (https://github.com/NotNite/GDWeave)
- Download the mod you want from the Releases page or download the Repository
- Move the downloaded mod folder into the "GDWeave/mods" folder
Read the README.MD inside any of the folders in the "Source" folder
- Automasher (DEPRECATED! NOW IS BUILT INTO WEBFISHING! ALSO REPLACED BY AUTOCLICKERTWEAKS) - A simple accessibility mod for people with hand issues that automatically mashes in the fishing minigames
- AutoclickerTweaks - Simple mod that allows you to tweak the click speed of the built in Webfishing Autoclicker, perfect due to the built in Autoclicker being too slow for some fish
- EventAlert - Basic mod that gives you a in game notification whenever certain events happen (Example: Meteor spawns, Raincloud spawns)
- SprintToggle (DEPRECATED! NOW IS BUILT INTO WEBFISHING) - Mod that allows you to toggle sprinting by just pressing the shift key
- BionicFisher - A Bionic Reader for the Webfishing Chat