- node.js v8.0
- npm v5.0
Download all necessary dependencies:
$ npm install
Run the app locally:
$ npm run dev
For testing purposes, there are always three different accounts setup and free for use:
Password | Role | |
dummy.admin@vitrino.de | Vitrino2017 | admin |
dummy.vendor@vitrino.de | Vitrino2017 | vendor |
dummy.user@vitrino.de | Vitrino2017 | user |
This project is hosted on Heroku. All pushes to the github master branch will automatically be deployed.
Sign up for a heroku.com account and install the toolbelt (https://toolbelt.heroku.com/) and tell us your mail so we can give you access to the project.
Once installed, you're able to use the heroku cli. Log in using the email address and password for Heroku:
$ heroku login
Additional information: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/getting-started-with-nodejs#set-up
To connect to the postgreSQL CLI:
$ heroku pg:psql --app vitrino-web-production DATABASE
\d - lists all tables within the database
\q - quit
Build for production and view the bundle analyzer report:
$ npm run build --report