This project is an implementation of a Generative Adversarial Network, trained to generate faces using the IMDB-WIKI dataset. This project was created for my term project for the University of Saskatchewan's CMPT 498: Learning and Data Analytics course in Fall 2016.
- cointains all tensorflow code building the model, along training, logging, sampling, and other related functions
- loads an instance of the network, and runs training samples through it, printing results
- filters the IMDB-WIKI dataset to a smaller number of high quality images, and builds an index for quick access
- contains a function that will load batches of images in a background thread, for use in training the neural network
- used to generate images from the trained network
- outputs information about the dataset csv file generated by
- uses OpenCV's Haar face detector to determine whether a face is in an image
- used to evaluate results, by running the face deterctor on generated images
- this file is run to train the network
- used to generate a png containing a grid of faces
- faces are input as a numpy array
To train the network, modify the "datasetDir" variable in, and run the script for as may training rounds as desired.
Before training, the IMDB-WIKI dataset will be filtered and indexed, with no input required by the user
To obtain generated face images from a trained network, run A number of sample images will be generated in the working directory
Included in this repository is a file called "Project Paper.pdf". This paper details the results of the project, and provides sample images generated by the network