This library provides comparison methods to find regional differences between an image and a given reference (i.e. check a generated image for errors on the basis of an existing reference image).
It does not provide any kind of pattern recognition or pattern similarity analysis methods.
- Regional image matching to identify differing regions.
- Difference image visualization.
- A flexible API that supports linkable preprocessors and matchers.
- Full multi-core support.
- Build-in PDF conversion support for PDF comparison.
package de.dangoe.imagence.core
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage
import{File, FileOutputStream}
import javax.imageio.ImageIO
import de.dangoe.imagence.api.ProcessingInput
import de.dangoe.imagence.api.matching.{Deviation, Dimension}
import de.dangoe.imagence.api.preprocessing.{Conversion, Preprocessor}
import de.dangoe.imagence.api.util.Done
import de.dangoe.imagence.core.matching.PixelWiseColorDeviationMatching.DefaultDeviationCalculatorFactory
import de.dangoe.imagence.core.matching.{DefaultSlicer, PixelWiseColorDeviationMatching, PixelWiseColorDeviationMatchingResult, RegionalImageMatcher}
import de.dangoe.imagence.core.preprocessing.{GaussianBlur, HarmonizeResolutions, Scaling, ScalingQuality}
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future}
import scala.language.reflectiveCalls
object TestApp {
implicit val scalingQuality = ScalingQuality.Low
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val imageToBeChecked: BufferedImage = File("/home/user/image_to_be_checked.png"))
val referenceImage: BufferedImage = File("/home/user/reference_image.png"))
val slicer: DefaultSlicer = DefaultSlicer.withFixedSliceSizeOf(Dimension.square(8))
val matchingStrategy: PixelWiseColorDeviationMatching = PixelWiseColorDeviationMatching(DefaultDeviationCalculatorFactory)
val input: ProcessingInput = ProcessingInput(imageToBeChecked, referenceImage)
val harmonization: Conversion[ProcessingInput] = HarmonizeResolutions(Scaling.toBoundingBox(Dimension.square(2000)))
val gaussianBlur: Conversion[ProcessingInput] = Preprocessor.fromSingleImageConversion(GaussianBlur(4))
val imageMatcher: RegionalImageMatcher[PixelWiseColorDeviationMatchingResult] = RegionalImageMatcher(slicer, matchingStrategy)
val eventualMatchingResult: Future[Done] = {
for {
harmonized <- harmonization(input)
blurred <- gaussianBlur(harmonized)
matcherResult <- imageMatcher(blurred)
differenceImageWriter = new SimpleDifferenceImageWriter(ImageFormat.`png`)
writingResult <- use(new FileOutputStream(new File("/home/user/difference.png"))) { outputStream =>
matcherResult.regionalMatchingResults.filter(_.deviation > Deviation(0.3))
} yield writingResult
Await.result(eventualMatchingResult, 15.seconds)
private def use[T, C <: {def close() : Unit}](closeable: => C)(fun: C => Future[T]): Future[T] = {
val closeableInstance = closeable
val eventualResult = fun(closeableInstance)
eventualResult.onComplete(_ => closeableInstance.close())
Please fork the repository, if you like to. Pull requests are very welcome.
Copyright 2016 Daniel Götten
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.