Update of Andrew Collier's SimCoupe .DSK manipulator for SAM Coupé disk images using the command line.
- File directory of images (SamDOS, MasterDOS, BDOS, GDOS, G+DOS & UNI-DOS)
- Reading and writing of CODE files (SamDOS, MasterDOS, BDOS)
- Writing of SCREEEN$ files (SamDOS, MasterDOS, BDOS)
- Write disk title (MasterDOS/BDOS/UNI-DOS)
- Writing of BASIC files (in progress)
Resources for using with Z88DK
Files contained in /resources/ are to allow for compiling in Z88DK, creating an MGT file and executing in SimCoupé now mostly depricated due to sterling work over at Z88DK adding MGT Support
- Windows batch file for compiling and executing in SimCoupé
- Copy of SAMDOS2 binary for inclusion into MGT images
- helloworld.c for Sam Coupé for testing