typego provides custom type that can be used to construct information (such as success data, error data, etc).
You can use the go get
go get github.com/dalikewara/typego
compatible with error
interface, so you can use it as an error
handler. typego.Error
has several methods that can be used to construct error information:
type Error interface {
ChangeCode(code string) Error
ChangeMessage(message string) Error
AddInfo(info ...any) Error
AddDebug(debug ...any) Error
SetProcessID(processID string) Error
SetProcessName(processName string) Error
SetHttpStatus(httpStatus int) Error
SetRPCStatus(rpcStatus int) Error
GetProcessID() string
GetProcessName() string
GetCode() string
GetMessage() string
GetInfo() []string
GetDebug() []string
GetHttpStatus() int
GetRPCStatus() int
Log() Error
Error() string
and it will generate the error information based on this structure:
type errorModel struct {
Level string `json:"level"`
ProcessID string `json:"process_id,omitempty"`
ProcessName string `json:"process_name,omitempty"`
Code string `json:"code"`
Message string `json:"message"`
Info []string `json:"info"`
HttpStatus int `json:"http_status,omitempty"`
RPCStatus int `json:"rpc_status,omitempty"`
Debug []string `json:"debug,omitempty"`
For example:
func main() {
if err := myFunc(); err != nil {
// output
// {"level":"error","code":"01","message":"general error","info":null}
func myFunc() error {
return typego.NewError("01", "general error")
typego.NewError("01", "general error").SetHttpStatus(500).AddInfo("raw error 1", "raw error 2").AddInfo("raw error 3")
// output
// {"level":"error","code":"01","message":"general error","info":["raw error 1","raw error 2","raw error 3"],"http_status":500}
You can log the error information by using Log()
typego.NewError("01", "general error").Log()
// output
// {"level":"error","code":"01","message":"general error","info":null}
You can also generate new typego.Error
from an error
err := errors.New("{\"code\":\"01\",\"message\":\"general error\",\"http_status\":500,\"info\":[\"raw info 1\",\"raw info 2\"],\"rpc_status\":13}")
typegoError := typego.NewErrorFromError(err)
fmt.Println(typegoError.GetCode()) // 01
fmt.Println(typegoError.GetMessage()) // general error
fmt.Println(typegoError.GetInfo()[1]) // raw info 2
must have the same string format astypego.Error.Error()
, otherwise,typego.Error
will return incorrect value
You can overwrite the default error log handler by using typego.SetCustomErrorLog(handler ErrorLogHandler)
The default error log handler is just a simple task to print the information to the std out
errGeneral := typego.NewError("01", "general error")
// output
// {"level":"error","code":"01","message":"general error","info":null}
typego.SetCustomErrorLog(func(err typego.Error) {
fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("hello i am a custom log! -> %+v", err))
// or do something special here...
// for example: send the log info to the Slack Channel, Kafka, etc
// output
// hello i am a custom log! -> {"level":"error","code":"01","message":"general error","info":null}
So, you can change the behavior of the logging as you want.
Read at CHANGELOG.md
Copyright © 2023 Dali Kewara