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Added A-Gs to the new land surface model
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bartvstratum committed Sep 6, 2021
1 parent 3050704 commit 4dc4a0b
Showing 1 changed file with 305 additions and 9 deletions.
314 changes: 305 additions & 9 deletions src/modlsm.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -61,6 +61,9 @@ module modlsm
! Random
real, allocatable :: du_tot(:,:), thv_1(:,:), land_frac(:,:)

! A-Gs
real, allocatable :: an_co2(:,:), resp_co2(:,:)

! Data structure for sub-grid tiles
type lsm_tile
! Static properties:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -96,6 +99,7 @@ module modlsm
real, allocatable :: &
theta_res(:), theta_wp(:), theta_fc(:), theta_sat(:), &
gamma_theta_sat(:), vg_a(:), vg_l(:), vg_n(:)

! Derived soil parameters
real, allocatable :: &
vg_m(:), &
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -317,7 +321,7 @@ subroutine calc_canopy_resistance_js
! Calculate canopy and soil resistance
tile_lv%rs(i,j) = tile_lv%rs_min(i,j) / tile_lv%lai(i,j) * f1(i,j) * f2_lv(i,j)
tile_hv%rs(i,j) = tile_hv%rs_min(i,j) / tile_hv%lai(i,j) * f1(i,j) * f2_hv(i,j) * f3(i,j)
tile_bs%rs(i,j) = tile_hv%rs_min(i,j) / f2b(i,j)
tile_bs%rs(i,j) = tile_bs%rs_min(i,j) / f2b(i,j)
tile_ws%rs(i,j) = 0.

end do
Expand All @@ -327,23 +331,306 @@ end subroutine calc_canopy_resistance_js

! Calculate canopy and soil resistances using A-Gs (plant physiology).
! In addition, this calculates/sets the surface CO2 fluxes...
subroutine calc_canopy_resistance_ags
use modglobal, only : i1, j1
use modfields, only : thl0, qt0, exnf, presf
use modsurface, only : ps
use modfields, only : rhof, exnh, qt0, presf, svm
use modsurface, only : E1, ps
use modsurfdata, only : svflux, tskin, phiw, tsoil
use modraddata, only : swd
use modsurfdata, only : phiw
use modemisdata, only : l_emission, svco2ags, svco2sum

implicit none

! NOTE: these should become a namelist switches...
logical, parameter :: lsplitleaf = .false.
logical, parameter :: lrelaxgc = .false.

real :: Ts, co2_comp, gm, fmin0, fmin, esatsurf, e, Ds, Dmax, cfrac, co2_abs, ci, to_ppb, from_ppb
real :: Ammax, fstr, Am, Rdark, PAR, alphac, AGSa1, Dstar, tempy, An, gc_inf, gcco2, fw, t_mean, th_mean, rs_co2
real :: cveg, cland, theta_min, theta_rel
integer :: i, j, k, si

k = kmax_soil
! Fixed constants (** = same in DALES and IFS, !! = different in DALES and IFS)
real, parameter :: Q10gm = 2.0 ! (**) Parameter to calculate the mesophyll conductance
real, parameter :: Q10am = 2.0 ! (**) Parameter to calculate max primary productivity
real, parameter :: Q10lambda = 1.5 ! (!!) Parameter to calculate the CO2 compensation concentration. (2 in IFS, 1.5 in DALES)

! Reference temperatures calculation mesophyll conductance:
real, parameter :: T1gm = 278 ! (**)
real, parameter :: T2gm = 301 ! (!!: IFS=309, DALES=301 (default), 309 (C4))

! Reference temperatues calculation max primary productivity:
real, parameter :: T1Am = 286 ! (!!: IFS=281, DALES=286 (C4))
real, parameter :: T2Am = 311 ! (**)

real, parameter :: nuco2q = 1.6 ! Ratio molecular viscosity water to carbon dioxide
real, parameter :: gmin = 2.5e-4 ! Cuticular (minimum) conductance. NOTE: = g_cu in IFS?
real, parameter :: ad = 0.07 ! Regression coefficient to calculate Cfrac
real, parameter :: Kx = 0.7 ! Extinction coefficient PAR

real, parameter :: alpha0 = 0.014 ! Initial low light conditions (?)

real, parameter :: Mair = 28.97
real, parameter :: Mco2 = 44

! Parameters respiration Jacobs (2006)
real, parameter :: Cw = 1.6e-3 ! Constant water stress correction
real, parameter :: wsmax = 0.55 ! Upper reference value soil water # NOTE: I guess these are soil dependant?
real, parameter :: wsmin = 0.005 ! Lower reference value soil water # NOTE: see line above :-)
real, parameter :: R10 = 0.23 ! Respiration at 10oC (Jacobs 2007)
real, parameter :: Eact0 = 53.3e3 ! Activation energy

! Vegetation specific constants
! TODO: link to lookup table IFS, for now hardcoded for single veg type.....
real, parameter :: gm298 = 7 !1.3 ! (mm s-1) NOTE: Much lower than DALES...
real, parameter :: Ammax298 = 1.7 ! CO2 maximal primary productivity
real, parameter :: f0 = 0.85 ! Maximum value Cfrac (constant or equation in IFS)
real, parameter :: co2_comp298 = 68.5 ! CO2 compensation concentration = Lambda(25) in IFS

! For sw_splitleaf
!nr_gauss = 3 ! Amount of bins to use for Gaussian integrations
!weight_g = np.array([0.2778,0.4444,0.2778]) ! Weights of the Gaussian bins (must add up to 1)
!angle_g = np.array([0.1127, 0.5,0.8873]) ! Sines of the leaf angles compared to the sun in the first Gaussian integration
!LAI_g = np.array([0.1127, 0.5,0.8873]) ! Ratio of integrated LAI at locations where shaded leaves are evaluated in the second Gaussian integration
!sigma = 0.2 ! Scattering coefficient
!kdfbl = 0.8 ! Diffuse radiation extinction coefficient for black leaves

! Conversion factors
! NOTE: this should use the surface density, not `rhof(1)`.
to_ppb = Mair/Mco2/rhof(1)*1000
from_ppb = 1./to_ppb

do j=2,j1
do i=2,i1
si = soil_index(i,j,k)
si = soil_index(i, j, kmax_soil)

Ts = tskin(i,j) * exnh(1)

! Calculate the CO2 compensation concentration (IFS eq. 8.92)
! "The compensation point Γ is defined as the CO2 concentration at which the net CO2 assimilation of a fully lit leaf becomes zero."
! NOTE: The old DALES LSM used the atmospheric `thl`, IFS uses the surface temperature.
co2_comp = rhof(1) * co2_comp298 * Q10lambda**(0.1 * (Ts - 298.0))

! Calculate the mesophyll conductance (IFS eq. 8.93)
! "The mesophyll conductance gm describes the transport of CO2 from the substomatal cavities to the mesophyll cells where the carbon is fixed."
! NOTE: The old DALES LSM used the atmospheric `thl`, IFS uses the surface temperature.
gm = gm298 * Q10gm**(0.1 * (Ts - 298.0)) / ((1. + exp(0.3 * (T1gm - Ts))) * (1. + exp(0.3 * (Ts - T2gm)))) / 1000.

! Calculate CO2 concentration inside the leaf (ci)
! NOTE: Differs from IFS
fmin0 = gmin/nuco2q - (1./9.)*gm
fmin = (-fmin0 + (fmin0**2 + 4*gmin/nuco2q*gm)**0.5) / (2.*gm)

! Calculate atmospheric moisture deficit
! NOTE: "Therefore Ci/Cs is specified as a function of atmospheric moisture deficit Ds at the leaf surface"
! In DALES, this uses a mix between esat(surface) and e(atmosphere)
! In IFS, this uses (in kg kg-1): qsat(Ts)-qs instead of qsat(Ts)-qa!
! NOTE: Old DALES LSM used the surface pressure in the calculation of `e`, not sure why...
esatsurf = 0.611e3 * exp(17.2694 * (Ts - 273.16) / (Ts - 35.86))
e = qt0(i,j,1) * presf(1) / 0.622
Ds = (esatsurf - e) / 1000.

! This seems to differ from IFS?
Dmax = (f0 - fmin) / ad

! Coupling factor (IFS eq. 8.101)
!cfrac = f0 * (1.0 - Ds/Dmax) + fmin * (Ds/Dmax)
cfrac = max(0.01, f0 * (1.0 - Ds/Dmax) + fmin * (Ds/Dmax))

! Absolute CO2 concentration.
if (l_emission) then
! A-Gs uses CO2 in ppm, DALES units are ppb
co2_abs = svm(i,j,1,svco2sum) * from_ppb
print*,"A-Gs in new LSM not yet setup without emission module...!"

!if (lrelaxci) then
! if (ci_old_set) then
! ci_inf = cfrac * (co2_abs - co2_comp) + co2_comp
! ci = ci_old(i,j) + min(kci*rk3coef, 1.0) * (ci_inf - ci_old(i,j))
! if (rk3step == 3) then
! ci_old(i,j) = ci
! endif
! else
! ci = cfrac * (co2_abs - co2_comp) + co2_comp
! ci_old(i,j) = ci
! endif
! ci = cfrac * (co2_abs - co2_comp) + co2_comp

! CO2 concentration in leaf (IFS eq. ???):
ci = cfrac * (co2_abs - co2_comp) + co2_comp

! Max gross primary production in high light conditions (Ag) (IFS eq. 8.94)
! NOTE: The old DALES LSM used the atmospheric `thl`, IFS uses the surface temperature.
Ammax = Ammax298 * Q10am**(0.1 * (Ts - 298.0)) / ((1.0 + exp(0.3 * (T1Am - Ts))) * (1. + exp(0.3 * (Ts - T2Am))))

! Effect of soil moisture stress on gross assimilation rate.
! NOTE: this seems to be different in IFS...
! NOTE: for now, this uses the relative soil moisture content from the low vegetaion only!
fstr = max(1.0e-3, min(1.0, tile_lv%phiw_mean(i,j)))

! Gross assimilation rate (Am, IFS eq. 8.97)
Am = Ammax * (1 - exp(-(gm * (ci - co2_comp) / Ammax)))

! Autotrophic dark respiration (IFS eq. 8.99)
Rdark = Am/9.

!PAR = 0.40 * max(0.1,-swdav * cveg(i,j))
PAR = 0.5 * max(0.1, -swd(i,j,1))

! Light use efficiency
alphac = alpha0 * (co2_abs - co2_comp) / (co2_abs + 2*co2_comp)

if (lsplitleaf) then
print*,'Splitleaf A-Gs not (yet) implemented!'
! PARdir = 0.5 * max(0.1, sw_in[j,i])
! PARdif = 0.5 * max(0.1, sw_in[j,i])
! cos_sza = max(1.e-10, calc_zenith_angle(lat, lon, doy, time))
! kdrbl = 0.5 / cos_sza ! Direct radiation extinction coefficient for black leaves
! kdf = kdfbl * np.sqrt(1.0-sigma)
! kdr = kdrbl * np.sqrt(1.0-sigma)
! ref = (1.0 - np.sqrt(1.0-sigma)) / (1.0 + np.sqrt(1.0-sigma)) ! Reflection coefficient
! ref_dir = 2 * ref / (1.0 + 1.6 * cos_sza)
! Hleaf = np.zeros(nr_gauss+1)
! Fleaf = np.zeros(nr_gauss+1)
! Agl = np.zeros(nr_gauss+1)
! Fnet = np.zeros(nr_gauss)
! gnet = np.zeros(nr_gauss)
! ! Loop over different LAI locations
! for it in range(nr_gauss):
! iLAI = LAI * LAI_g[it] ! Integrated LAI between here and canopy top; Gaussian distributed
! fSL = np.exp(-kdrbl * iLAI) ! Fraction of sun-lit leaves
! PARdfD = PARdif * (1.0-ref) * np.exp(-kdf * iLAI) ! Total downward PAR due to diffuse radiation at canopy top
! PARdrD = PARdir * (1.0-ref_dir) * np.exp(-kdr * iLAI) ! Total downward PAR due to direct radiation at canopy top
! PARdfU = PARdif * (1.0-ref) * np.exp(-kdf * LAI) * \
! albedo * (1.0-ref) * np.exp(-kdf * (LAI-iLAI)) ! Total upward (reflected) PAR that originates as diffuse radiation
! PARdrU = PARdir * (1.0-ref_dir) * np.exp(-kdr * LAI) * \
! albedo * (1.0-ref) * np.exp(-kdf * (LAI-iLAI)) ! Total upward (reflected) PAR that originates as direct radiation
! PARdfT = PARdfD + PARdfU ! Total PAR due to diffuse radiation at canopy top
! PARdrT = PARdrD + PARdrU ! Total PAR due to direct radiation at canopy top
! dirPAR = (1.0-sigma) * PARdir * fSL ! Purely direct PAR (can only be downward)
! difPAR = PARdfT + PARdrT - dirPAR ! Total diffuse radiation
! HdfT = kdf * PARdfD + kdf * PARdfU
! HdrT = kdr * PARdrD + kdf * PARdrU
! dirH = kdrbl * dirPAR
! Hshad = HdfT + HdrT - dirH
! Hsun = Hshad + angle_g * (1.0-sigma) * kdrbl * PARdir / np.sum(angle_g * weight_g)
! Hleaf[0] = Hshad
! Hleaf[1:] = Hsun
! Agl = fstr * (Am + Rdark) * (1 - np.exp(-alphac*Hleaf/(Am + Rdark)))
! gleaf = gmin/nuco2q + Agl/(co2_abs-ci)
! Fleaf = Agl - Rdark
! Fshad = Fleaf[0]
! Fsun = np.sum(weight_g * Fleaf[1:])
! gshad = gleaf[0]
! gsun = np.sum(weight_g * gleaf[1:])
! Fnet[it] = Fsun * fSL + Fshad * (1 - fSL)
! gnet[it] = gsun * fSL + gshad * (1 - fSL)
! An = LAI * np.sum(weight_g * Fnet)
! gc_inf = LAI * np.sum(weight_g * gnet)
! Calculate upscaling from leaf to canopy: net flow CO2 into the plant (An)
! NOTE: this only uses LAI from low vegetation (for now..)
AGSa1 = 1.0 / (1 - f0)
Dstar = Dmax / (AGSa1 * (f0 - fmin))
tempy = alphac * Kx * PAR / (Am + Rdark)
An = (Am + Rdark) * (1 - 1.0 / (Kx * tile_lv%lai(i,j)) * (E1(tempy * exp(-Kx*tile_lv%lai(i,j))) - E1(tempy)))
gc_inf = tile_lv%lai(i,j) * (gmin/nuco2q + AGSa1 * fstr * An / ((co2_abs - co2_comp) * (1 + Ds / Dstar)))

if (lrelaxgc) then
print*,'Relax GC A-Gs not (yet) implemented!'
! if (gc_old_set) then
! gcco2 = gc_old(i,j) + min(kgc*rk3coef, 1.0) * (gc_inf - gc_old(i,j))
! if (rk3step ==3) then
! gc_old(i,j) = gcco2
! endif
! else
! gcco2 = gc_inf
! gc_old(i,j) = gcco2
! endif
gcco2 = gc_inf

! Calculate mean t_soil and theta_soil for calculation soil respiration
t_mean = 0
th_mean = 0
k = kmax_soil
do k=1, kmax_soil
t_mean = t_mean + tsoil(i,j,k) * dz_soil(k)
th_mean = th_mean + phiw(i,j,k) * dz_soil(k)
t_mean = t_mean / (-zh_soil(1))
th_mean = th_mean / (-zh_soil(1))

! Sub-grid fractions of low+high veg, and low+high veg + bare soil
cveg = tile_lv%base_frac(i,j) + tile_hv%base_frac(i,j)
cland = cveg + tile_bs%base_frac(i,j)

! Water stress function:
fw = Cw * wsmax / (th_mean + wsmin)

! Soil resistance, using old/JS approach
theta_min = cveg * theta_wp(si) + (1.-cveg) * theta_res(si)
theta_rel = (phiw(i,j,kmax_soil) - theta_min) / (theta_fc(si) - theta_min);
f2b(i,j) = 1./min(1., max(1.e-9, theta_rel))

! Surface resistances for moisture and carbon dioxide
tile_lv%rs(i,j) = 1.0 / (1.6 * gcco2)
tile_hv%rs(i,j) = 1.0 / (1.6 * gcco2)
tile_bs%rs(i,j) = tile_bs%rs_min(i,j) / f2b(i,j)
tile_ws%rs(i,j) = 0.

rs_co2 = 1. / gcco2

! NOTE:Combined assimilation for low and high veg, using only low veg as vegetation type:
resp_co2(i,j) = R10 * (1.-fw) * exp(Eact0 / (283.15 * 8.314) * (1.0 - 283.15 / t_mean))
! Scale with vegetation fraction, and translate to `ppb m s-1`.
resp_co2(i,j) = cveg * resp_co2(i,j) * to_ppb

! Calculate net assimilation
! NOTE: this uses the aerodynamic resistance from low vegetation...
an_co2(i,j) = -(co2_abs - ci) / (tile_lv%ra(i,j) + rs_co2)
! Scale with vegetation + bare soil fraction, and translate to `ppb m s-1`.
an_co2(i,j) = cland * an_co2(i,j) * to_ppb

! Set CO2 fluxes:
if (l_emission) then
! Total flux into the CO2 field holding the sum of all CO2 concentrations:
svflux(i,j,svco2sum) = resp_co2(i,j) + an_co2(i,j)
! Respiration flux into the respiration specific field:
svflux(i,j,svco2ags) = resp_co2(i,j)
print*,"A-Gs in new LSM not yet setup without emission module...!"

end do
end do

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -953,7 +1240,7 @@ subroutine initlsm

! Namelist definition
namelist /NAMLSM/ &
lheterogeneous, lfreedrainage, dz_soil, iinterp_t, iinterp_theta
lheterogeneous, lfreedrainage, lags, dz_soil, iinterp_t, iinterp_theta

llsm = (isurf == 11)

Expand All @@ -973,9 +1260,10 @@ subroutine initlsm
! Broadcast namelist values to all MPI tasks
call MPI_BCAST(lheterogeneous, 1, mpi_logical, 0, comm3d, mpierr)
call MPI_BCAST(lfreedrainage, 1, mpi_logical, 0, comm3d, mpierr)
call MPI_BCAST(lags, 1, mpi_logical, 0, comm3d, mpierr)

call MPI_BCAST(iinterp_t, 1, mpi_integer, 0, comm3d, mpierr)
call MPI_BCAST(iinterp_theta, 1, mpi_integer, 0, comm3d, mpierr)
call MPI_BCAST(iinterp_t, 1, mpi_integer, 0, comm3d, mpierr)
call MPI_BCAST(iinterp_theta, 1, mpi_integer, 0, comm3d, mpierr)

call MPI_BCAST(dz_soil, kmax_soil, my_real, 0, comm3d, mpierr)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1034,6 +1322,8 @@ subroutine exitlsm
! Allocated from `create_soil_grid`:
deallocate( z_soil, dz_soil, dzi_soil, zh_soil, dzh_soil, dzhi_soil )

if (lags) deallocate(an_co2, resp_co2)

! Tiles, allocated from `allocate_tile`:
call deallocate_tile(tile_lv)
call deallocate_tile(tile_hv)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1179,6 +1469,12 @@ subroutine allocate_fields
allocate(rsveg(i2, j2))
allocate(rssoil(i2, j2))

! A-Gs
if (lags) then
allocate(an_co2(i2, j2))
allocate(resp_co2(i2, j2))

! Allocate the tiled variables
call allocate_tile(tile_lv)
call allocate_tile(tile_hv)
Expand Down

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