This layer adds support to use emacs as an alternative (extra powerful) Calibre front-end.
See the calibre.el documentation.
Recommended additional layers and packages:
Clone the layer using
git clone ~/.emacs.d/private/calibre
Subsequently add calibre
to the existing dotspacemacs-configuration-layers
and define the required variables in your ~/.spacemacs
(calibre :variables calibredb-root-dir "/mnt/4EEDC07F44412A81/Calibrebibliotheek")
See the search keymap definition in the calibredb.el documentation
Key Binding | Description |
\ | calibredb-search-live-filter |
C-j | calibredb-show-next-entry |
C-k | calibredb-show-previous-entry |
S-j | evil-scroll-page-down |
S-k | evil-scroll-page-up |
(,) s f | calibredb-fetch-and-set-metadata-by-author-and-title |
C-u , s f | idem, but swap author title for initial input |
(,) s i | calibredb-fetch-and-set-metadata-by-isbn |
C-u , s i | idem, but use title as initial input |
New | Old | |
dd | d | calibre-remove (file) |