Re-code of some C library functions.
- Collection of useful C library functions
- My get_next_line project
- My version of printf
- Very simple timer (not part of original libft project)
The mindset of the 42 schools is that if you want to use something, code it yourself. To this end, all students have to do libft project. The functions chosen for this project fall into few categories: String manipulation, memory manipulation, char classification, list functions and conversion functions. The get_next_line and ft_printf functions also found in this library are only here for convenience for me. They are projects that come after libft, but it makes sense to integrate them since this is the library I've been using for all the inner circle projects at school (projects before internship) and I'm making my own github only just now, having used schools own repositories up until this point.
If you want to check out get_next_line or ft_printf in more detail, the links are below.