Specefication document generater for VBA code
- Python script to generate a specification documor VBA in markdown format
- 2 javascript modules are run via PyExecJS
- PyExecJS are already end of life (https://pypi.org/project/PyExecJS/)
- Appreciated for the each modules in bellow
- Specification document content will be generate from the comments in VBA source code
- The document will be output by markdown format
- Python script will call 2 javascript modules
- XDocGen
- json2md
- Please follow the syntax in XDocGen homepage for the format of VBA source code comments
pip install PyExecJS
yarn install indento
yarn install json2md
"Nodejs" are also required to run xdocgen & json2md
Developed in windows 10 environment. Please change the installation command based on your environment
- Basically follows the syntax in XDocGen homepage
- "@Module" and "@Property" are only allowed in the Module Level Tags
python main.py [input folder directory] [output folder directory]
- All ".bas" file & ".cls" file will be read in
input folder directory
- Markdown files will be generated separately by each input file in
output folder directory
- You can select the file name that not to generate the markdown file from
'@Module: Example module
Public Function ExampleFunction(arg1 As Long, arg2 AS String) As String
'@Description: This function is a sample function
'@Param: arg1 First argument
'@Param: arg2 Second argument
'@Returns: Returns sample string
ExampleFunction = "example"
End Function
'@Property: Example property
Property Get ExampleProperty()
'@Description: Get example property
'@Returns: Returns sample string
ExampleProperty = "example"
End Property
# example.bas
## Module: ExampleFunction
Example module
### **Basic infomation**
| key | value |
| --- | ----- |
| Name | ExampleFunction
Scope | Public
Static | False
Procedure | Function
Type | String
Description | This function is a sample function
Returns | Returns sample string |
### **Parameter**
| index | Name | Optional | Passing | ParamArray | Type | Array | Default | Description |
| ----- | ---- | -------- | ------- | ---------- | ---- | ----- | ------- | ----------- |
| 1 | arg1 | False | ByRef | False | Long | False | None | First argument
2 | arg2 | False | ByRef | False | String | False | None | Second argument |
## Property: ExampleProperty(Get)
Example property
### **Basic infomation**
| key | value |
| --- | ----- |
| Name | ExampleProperty(Get)
Scope | Public
Static | False
Procedure | Property
Type | Variant
Description | Get example property
Returns | Returns sample string |