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David Hall edited this page Jul 5, 2017 · 1 revision

Manual Installation

  1. From the Downloads page, download the and files and extract all their contents to a folder on your system.
  2. From your project within Visual Studio add references to all the assemblies in that folder
    1. Microsoft.Win32.TaskScheduler.dll (required)
    2. Microsoft.Win32.TaskSchedulerEditor.dll (only if UI elements are required: TaskEditDialog, etc.)
    3. TimeSpan2.dll (required if Microsoft.Win32.TaskSchedulerEditor.dll is used)
    4. CubicOrange.Windows.Forms.ActiveDirectory.dll (required if Microsoft.Win32.TaskSchedulerEditor.dll is used and tasks can be edited)
    5. AeroWizard.dll (only if TaskSchedulerWizard control is used)
    6. GroupControls.dll (only if TaskSchedulerWizard control is used)
  3. You should then be able to use any of the classes either using the 'using' directive and referencing 'Microsoft.Win32.TaskScheduler' or by using the full name of the class.

NuGet Installation

  1. Install NuGet from
  2. Using NuGet from within Visual Studio, add references to the TaskScheduler and TaskSchedulerEditor packages
  3. Enjoy the benefit of having NuGet automatically keep all your assemblies up to date!

Sample project

This project is a simple form that has a button that shows a task. It is using a current build of the library which may not be the most recent. +Do not use the TaskScheduler assemblies in this download+ for your project. Please use the ones from the downloads page.