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dag edited this page Sep 12, 2010 · 10 revisions

Built in support for dzen2 is being considered. However, amazing can already be useful with dzen2.

Since the output of -t uses Ruby syntax, it can be used like this:

% amazing -t WIDGET [OPTIONS] | ruby <<< 'puts @default'

Bash is apparently too stupid to understand it, but you can do:

% (amazing -t WIDGET [OPTIONS]; echo 'puts @default') | ruby

What comes after the puts works just like the format option. Because of this, we can do things like:

Iterative updates

% while true; do amazing -t alsa | ruby <<< 'puts @default'; sleep 1; done | gdbar | dzen2

and we have a dzen2 + amazing driven volume bar.

Manual updates

% mkfifo ~/.dzenfifo
% while true; do tail -1 ~/.dzenfifo; done | dzen2 &
% amazing -t WIDGET [OPTIONS] | ruby <<< 'puts @default' > ~/.dzenfifo
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