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Repository files navigation



(Tested on macOS and Linux. May not work on Windows.)

  1. Download and install Rust

  2. Download this git repo

  3. Compile files

    cd neb
    cargo build --release

    NOTE: If you do not use --release, the resulting debug build is significantly slower.

  4. Copy ./target/release/neb wherever you want.

Installation on Linux

You may need to install the following packages on Ubuntu:

apt install build-essential pkg-config libssl-dev

Download Knossos Repo from FSNebula

neb fetch repo.json

Initialize or Update Local Database

neb update repo.db repo.json

Neb is fast. On my machine, it initialized repo.db in 2.5 seconds. Updates took 1.5 seconds.


See Usage below.

Neb is fast. On my machine, neb commands take 8 ms or less.

(Optional) Web View

  • Start web server
    neb web repo.db
  • Open http://localhost:3200 in your web browser.


Usage: neb COMMAND [ARGS]


  --help                          : Print this message
  --version                       : Print version


  help                            : Print this message
  fetch        JSON               : Download remote repo json file
  fetch-update REPO JSON          : Same as 'fetch' followed by 'update'
  update       REPO JSON          : Update repo database
  list         REPO               : Print list of mods as titles in plain text
  list-json    REPO               : Print list of mods as JSON
  search       REPO QUERY         : Print mod ids of queried title
  versions     REPO MID           : Print list of versions of mod id
  json         REPO MID [VERSION] : Print mod.json of mod id (default: latest)
  cmdline      REPO MID [VERSION] : Print command-line opts of mod id [and version]
  mod          REPO MID [VERSION] : Print mod params of mod id [and version]
  sha256sum    REPO MID [VERSION] : Print sha256sums of files by mod id [and version]
  dlsize       REPO MID [VERSION] : Print total download size by mod id [and version]
  web          REPO               : Start a web server to view mod info in the browser


  The "web" command supports BIND and PORT environment variables.

  BIND and PORT are optional. The default values are:



      BIND= PORT=3000 neb web repo.db


  # Update database
  neb update repo.db repo.json

  # Update temporary in-memory database (SQLite3 feature)
  neb update ':memory:' repo.json

  # Print list of mods as titles in plaint text
  neb list repo.db

  # Print list of mods as JSON
  neb list-json repo.db

  # Print mid and title of query
  neb search repo.db silent

  # Print list of versions of mod id
  neb versions repo.db str

  # Print mod.json of mod by mid of latest version
  neb json repo.db str

  # Print mod.json of mod by mid of version 1.6.0
  neb json repo.db str 1.6.0

  # Print the command-line options of mod by mid
  neb cmdline repo.db MVPS

  # Print the command-line options of mod by mid and version
  neb cmdline repo.db MVPS 4.5.1

  # Print the mod params of mod by mid
  neb mod repo.db MVPS

  # Print the mod params of mod by mid and version
  neb mod repo.db MVPS 4.5.1

  # Print sha256sums of mod files by mid (mod id)
  neb sha256sum repo.db MVPS

  # Print sha256sums of mod files by mid (mod id) and version
  neb sha256sum repo.db MVPS 4.5.1

  # Print download size of mod files by mid (mod id)
  neb dlsize repo.db MVPS

  # Print download size of mod files by mid (mod id) and version
  neb dlsize repo.db MVPS 4.5.1

  # Download remote repo json file
  neb fetch repo.json

  # Download remote repo and update local db
  neb fetch-update repo.db repo.json
    # same as =>
    #   neb fetch repo.json
    #   neb update repo.db repo.json

  # Start web server
  neb web repo.db


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