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This project is a copy of ngx-material-file-input, this was made from angular 14 as a new project, only what was necessary was added and is already updated.

Library Version Angular Version
1.0.0 14.0.0
2.0.0 15.0.0
3.0.0 16.0.0
4.0.0 17.0.0
18.0.0 18.0.0

From now on, the package version will be the same as the Angular version so I don't have to update the table all the time.

  • Latest version is using Angular 19


This project provides :

  • ngx-mat-file-input component, to use inside Angular Material mat-form-field
  • a FileValidator with acceptedMimeTypes, to limit the format types using the mime types
  • a FileValidator with maxContentSize, to limit the file size
  • a ByteFormatPipe to format the file size in a human-readable format
  • a previewUrls to receive the images/file as a url to show in a preview

For more code samples, have a look at the DEMO SITE or in the release notes.


npm i ngx-custom-material-file-input

API reference


import { MaterialFileInputModule } from 'ngx-custom-material-file-input';

  imports: [
    // the module for this lib

NGX_MAT_FILE_INPUT_CONFIG token (optional):

Change the unit of the ByteFormat pipe

export const config: FileInputConfig = {
  sizeUnit: 'Octet'

// add with module injection
providers: [{ provide: NGX_MAT_FILE_INPUT_CONFIG, useValue: config }];


selector: <ngx-mat-file-input>

implements: MatFormFieldControl from Angular Material

Additionnal properties

Name Description
@Input() valuePlaceholder: string Placeholder for file names, empty by default
@Input() multiple: boolean Allows multiple file inputs, false by default
@Input() autofilled: boolean Whether the input is currently in an autofilled state. If property is not present on the control it is assumed to be false.
@Input() accept: string Any value that accept attribute can get. more about "accept"
value: FileInput Form control value
empty: boolean Whether the input is empty (no files) or not
clear(): (event?) => void Removes all files from the input
previewUrls: string[] Contains a generate url in memory to show the previews of the files
@Input() defaultIconBase64: string Set the default icon for the previews of files that are not images, is a base64 string, example: .....



<span>{{ 104857600 | byteFormat }}</span>

Output: 100 MB


Name Description Error structure
maxContentSize(value: number): ValidatorFn Limit the total file(s) size to the given value { actualSize: number, maxSize: number }
acceptedMimeTypes(value: string): ValidatorFn Limit the mime types valid to use given value { validTypes: string }