My brother had some art pieces that he had created that he wanted to talk about on his Instagram. This involved moving a camera over the image. Unfortunately there was no good way to get this to be smooth manually.
I created Image Motion as a tool to turn static images into videos. With a normal Ken Burns effect you can define two frames and it will tween between them. This is a superpowered version of that, allowing you to define multiple frames (at differing zooms and locations) and seamlessly pan over them, for however long a video you want to make.
My first use of Web Workers and WebASM through the fmpeg port. If you want to check it out, it's live at Read more about the project on my blog.
Thanks to a variety of resources.
- Repository: ffmpeg.js
- License: LPGL 2.1 License
- Author: Kagami
- Repository: feather
- License: MIT License
- Author: feather
- This blog post around reparameterized bezier curves by arc length (and how there's not a closed form solution).
- This Gist with some practical examples of ffmpeg web workers
You can locally create an instance by running python3 -m http.server 8000
in the repo checked out. This is necessary because Chrome by default doesn't allow web workers with file://
No project is ever truly done. These are the things that I could work on, were I to spend more time on it. Until someone asks though, these will remain here.
- Show errors properly in modal
- Make it so that you can't select out of bounds.
- Make it so that you can see the full path that it will follow?
- Fix the overlapped frames
- Should mostly linear frames use a different tension?
- Customize aspect ratio
- Preview?
If you're interested in programatically following bezier curves with ffmpeg's zoompan
, I used to have this functionality until I ran into an inability to reparametize the curves by arc-length for smooth camera moves, and swapped to a fully in-browser solution. The relevant code is working around 62379f45044fd8b7254680064ad89b1367d3c420
or 9cdc77ba912cbb9914bdb120afd2f9cbf168a77e
Created by Alex Beals © 2023