Install Git on your machine
Download these files
git clone
Install Docker-Compose
If you have any dependencies, you can just install them right in your project folder.
The containers will know about them.
Things to change for your app:
- in
, change the volumes folder to map properly to your project. - in
, set the port to map properly to your docker host so it doesn't conflict.
Install composer
Install dependencies through composer
composer install
start the web app:
docker-compose up -d web
stop the server:
docker-compose stop
build and migrate the database, should only need to do this once or when you want to migrate. It might be smart to make a migration handler.
docker-compose run webapp bash /data/www/db/
make a backup of the database, mysql container must have a volume set up to host. This will put the dump in your project's root folder.
docker-compose run mysql bash -c 'exec mysqldump --all-databases -h mysql -u"$MYSQL_USER" -p"$MYSQL_PASSWORD" > /data/all-databases.sql'
restore dump to the database (untested):
docker exec -i imageNameOrId mysql nameOfYourDb < ~/path/to/your/dump.sql
Global variables can be set in container-files/etc/nginx/fastcgi_params