Useful Yii2 snippets for Sublime text
- Installation
- Yii
- Html
- ActiveField
- HtmlPurifier
- ArrayHelper
- FileHelper
- Url
- Json
- StringHelper
- Request
- User
- Session
- Cache
- Displaying Data
- Base Yii
- Register
- Render
- Todos
- License
- PS
There are several methods to install package.
Search for Yii2 Snippets on Package Control.
Clone the repository into your Sublime Text 2/3 packages directory.
git clone
Note: You can find your packages directory by going to Preferences -> Browse Packages.
Method | Snippet code |
t | Yt |
setAlias | Ysa |
getAlias | Yga |
Method | Snippet code |
encode | He |
a | Ha |
mailto | Hmail |
img | Himg |
label | Hl |
button | Hb |
submitButton | Hsb |
resetButton | Hrb |
input | Hi |
submitInput | Hsi |
resetInput | Hri |
textInput | Hti |
hiddenInput | Hhi |
passwordInput | Hpi |
fileInput | Hfi |
textarea | Hta |
radio | Hrd |
checkbox | Hcb |
dropDownList | Hdl |
listBox | Hlb |
checkboxList | Hcbl |
radioList | Hrdl |
activeLabel | Hal |
activeHint | Hah |
errorSummary | Hes |
error | Herr |
activeInput | Hai |
activeTextInput | Hati |
activeHiddenInput | Hahi |
activePasswordInput | Hapi |
activeFileInput | Hafi |
activeTextarea | Hata |
activeRadio | Hard |
activeCheckbox | Hacb |
activeDropDownList | Hadl |
activeListBox | Halb |
activeCheckboxList | Hacbl |
activeRadioList | Hardl |
Method | Snippet code |
textInput | AFti |
hiddenInput | AFhi |
passwordInput | AFpi |
fileInput | AFfi |
textarea | AFta |
radio | AFrd |
checkbox | AFcb |
dropDownList | AFdl |
listBox | AFlb |
checkboxList | AFcbl |
radioList | AFrdl |
widget | AFw |
Method | Snippet code |
process | HPp |
Method | Snippet code |
toArray | AHta |
merge | AHm |
getValue | AHgv |
remove | AHr |
index | AHi |
getColumn | AHgc |
map | AHmap |
keyExists | AHke |
multisort | AHsort |
htmlEncode | AHe |
Method | Snippet code |
normalizePath | FHnp |
localize | FHl |
getMimeType | FHgmt |
getMimeTypeByExtension | FHgmtbe |
getExtensionsByMimeType | FHgebmt |
copyDirectory | FHcpd |
removeDirectory | FHrd |
findFiles | FHff |
filterPath | FHfp |
createDirectory | FHcd |
Method | Snippet code |
toRoute | Utr |
to | Ut |
base | Ub |
remember | Ur |
previous | Up |
current | Uc |
home | Uh |
isRelative | Uir |
Method | Snippet code |
encode | Je |
htmlEncode | Jhe |
decode | Jd |
Method | Snippet code |
byteLength | SHbl |
byteSubstr | SHbs |
basename | SHbn |
dirname | SHdn |
truncate | SHtr |
truncateWords | SHtrw |
startsWith | SHsw |
endsWith | SHew |
explode | SHexp |
Method | Snippet code |
resolve | Rres |
headers | Rh |
method | Rm |
isGet | Rig |
isOptions | Rio |
isHead | Rih |
isPost | Rip |
isDelete | Rid |
isPut | Riput |
isPatch | Ripatch |
isAjax | Ria |
isPjax | Ripj |
isFlash | Rif |
rawBody | Rrb |
setRawBody | Rsrb |
bodyParams | Rbps |
setBodyParams | Rsbps |
getBodyParam | Rbp |
post | Rp |
queryParams | Rqps |
setQueryParams | Rsqps |
get | Rg |
getQueryParam | Rqp |
hostInfo | Rhi |
setHostInfo | Rshi |
baseUrl | Rbu |
setBaseUrl | Rsbu |
absoluteUrl | Rau |
url | Ru |
setUrl | Rsu |
queryString | Rqs |
isSecureConnection | Risc |
serverName | Rsm |
serverPort | Rsp |
referrer | Rref |
userAgent | Rua |
userIP | Ruip |
userHost | Ruh |
cookies | Rcook |
getCsrfToken | Rcsrf |
csrfTokenFromHeader | Rcsrfh |
validateCsrfToken | Rcsrfv |
Method | Snippet code |
identity | Ui |
switchIdentity | Usi |
login | Ul |
loginByAccessToken | Ulbat |
logout | Ulogout |
isGuest | Uig |
id | Uid |
getReturnUrl | Ugru |
setReturnUrl | Usru |
loginRequired | Ulr |
can | Ucan |
Method | Snippet code |
open | Sop |
close | Scl |
destroy | Sdesr |
isActive | Sia |
hasSessionId | Shsi |
setHasSessionId | Sshsi |
id | Sid |
setId | Ssid |
regenerateID | Srgid |
name | Sname |
setName | Ssname |
savePath | Ssp |
setSavePath | Sssp |
cookieParams | Scp |
setCookieParams | Sscp |
useCookies | Suc |
setUseCookies | Ssuc |
openSession | Sos |
closeSession | Scs |
readSession | Sread |
writeSession | Swrite |
destroySession | Sdestroy |
count | Scount |
get | Sget |
set | Sset |
remove | Sremove |
removeAll | SremoveAll |
has | Shas |
getFlash | Sfl |
addFlash | Safl |
setFlash | Ssfl |
removeFlash | Srfl |
removeAllFlashes | Srafl |
hasFlash | Shfl |
Method | Snippet code |
buildKey | Cbk |
get | Cg |
exists | Ce |
mget | Cmg |
set | Cs |
mset | Cms |
madd | Cma |
add | Ca |
delete | Cd |
flush | Cf |
offsetExists | Coe |
offsetGet | Cog |
offsetSet | Cos |
offsetUnset | Cou |
Method | Snippet code |
ListView | Lw |
GridView | Gw |
echo translate | Yte |
Method | Snippet code |
user | Yu |
controller | Yc |
action | Ya |
Method | Snippet code |
registerJs | Yrj |
registerJsFile | Yrjf |
registerCss | Yrc |
registerCssFile | Yrcf |
registerMetaTag | Yrmt |
Method | Snippet code |
render | RD |
renderHtml | RDh |
renderPartial | RDp |
renderAjax | RDa |
Add ListView, GridView and ect...Add cacheAdd "render" snippets- Add find model with params
- Add DataProvider
- Add default behaviors (AccessControl, TimestampBehavior and ect...)
- Add validation rules
- Add use statements
- Add other useful snippets
- Improve shortcuts
Yii2 Snippets is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.
If you have any ideas to improve this package or you found any errors, please contact me via Github.