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A brief description of your project goes here.

Table of Contents


To set up the project, run:

pnpm run bootstrap

This will install all dependencies, format code, lint, and run type-checks.

Available Scripts

Here are the scripts available for this project:

  • Development
    • pnpm run dev: Starts the development server with Turbopack.
  • Building and Deployment
    • pnpm run build: Builds the application for production.
    • pnpm run start: Starts the production server.
  • Code Quality and Formatting
    • pnpm run lint: Lints code and fixes issues automatically.
    • pnpm run prettier: Formats code using Prettier.
    • pnpm run type: Runs TypeScript type-checking.
    • pnpm run format: Runs Prettier, lint, and type-checking.
    • pnpm run bootstrap: Installs dependencies and performs initial setup.
  • Testing
    • pnpm run test: Runs unit and integration tests using Jest.
    • pnpm run test:watch: Runs tests in watch mode.
    • pnpm run e2e:headless: Runs end-to-end tests in headless mode using Playwright.
    • pnpm run e2e:ui: Runs end-to-end tests with a UI.
  • Storybook
    • pnpm run storybook: Starts Storybook on port 6006.
    • pnpm run build-storybook: Builds the Storybook static site.
  • Sitemap
    • pnpm run postbuild: Generates a sitemap.
    • pnpm run sitemap: Runs the sitemap generation script.
  • Utilities
    • pnpm run clean: Cleans node_modules, .next, and .turbo directories.
    • pnpm run svgr: Converts SVG files into React components.
  • Scripts
    • pnpm run scripts:checks: Runs custom checks script.
    • pnpm run scripts:seeds: Runs database seeding scripts.


To start the development server, run:

pnpm run dev


pnpm run scripts:seeds

Building and Deployment

To build the project for production, use:

pnpm run build

To start the production server, run:

pnpm run start

Code Quality and Formatting

This project enforces code quality and formatting standards. Run the following scripts to maintain code consistency:

  • Linting: pnpm run lint
  • Formatting: pnpm run prettier
  • Type-Checking: pnpm run type
  • All-in-One: pnpm run format


Unit and Integration Tests

Run unit and integration tests using Jest:

pnpm run test

To run tests in watch mode:

pnpm run test:watch

End-to-End Tests

Run end-to-end tests using Playwright:

  • Headless mode:

    pnpm run e2e:headless
  • With UI:

    pnpm run e2e:ui

Component Tests

Develop and test components using Storybook:

  • Start Storybook:

    pnpm run storybook
  • Build Storybook:

    pnpm run build-storybook

Other Utilities

  • Clean Project: Removes node_modules, .next, and .turbo directories:
    pnpm run clean
  • Generate React Icons from SVG:
    pnpm run svgr


Contributions are welcome! Please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a feature branch: git checkout -b feature-name.
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -m 'Add feature'.
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin feature-name.
  5. Open a pull request.

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.