You will need Julia version 1.7.0 or higher to install this package.
The latest version can be downloaded by running:
import Pkg; Pkg.add(url = "
The latest stable version can be downloaded by running:
import Pkg; Pkg.add(Sensemakr)
using Sensemakr
using CSV, DataFrames, GLM
url = "";
darfur = DataFrame(CSV.File(download(url)));
form = @formula(peacefactor ~ directlyharmed + age + farmer_dar + herder_dar + pastvoted + hhsize_darfur + female + village);
fitted_model = lm(form, darfur);
darfur_sense = Sensemakr(fitted_model, "directlyharmed", benchmark_covariates = "female", kd = [1, 2, 3]);
Sensitivity Analysis to Unobserved Confounding
Model Formula: directlyharmed ~ pastvoted + herder_dar + female + peacefactor + farmer_dar + age + hhsize_darfur + village
Null hypothesis: q = 1.0 and reduce = true
-- This means we are considering biases that reduce the absolute value of the current estimate
-- The null hypothesis deemed problematic is H0:tau = 0.0
Unadjusted Estimates of "directlyharmed":
Coef. Estimate: 0.097
Standard Error: 0.023
t-value: 4.184
Sensitivity Statistics:
Partial R2 of treatment with outcome: 0.022
Robustness Value, q = 1.0: 0.139
Robustness Value, q = 1.0 alpha = 0.05: 0.076
Verbal interpretation of sensitivity statistics:
-- Partial R2 of the treatment with the outcome: an extreme confounder (orthogonal to the covariates) that explains 100% of the residual variance of the outcome, would need to explain at least 2.187 % of the residual variance of the treatment to fully account for the observed estimated effect.
-- Robustness Value, q = 1.0: unobserved confounders (orthogonal to the covariates) that of both the treatment and the outcome are strong enough to bring the point estimate to 0.0 (a bias of 100.0% of the original estimate).
Conversely, unobserved confounders that do not explain more than 13.878% of the residual variance of both the treatment and the outcome are not strong enough to bring the point estimate to 0.0.
-- Robustness Value,q = 1.0, alpha = 0.05: unobserved confounders (orthogonal to the covariates) that explain more than 7.626% of the residual variance of both the treatment and the outcome are strong enough to bring the estimate to a range where it is no longer 'statistically different' from 0.0 (a bias of 100.0% of the original estimate), at the significance level of alpha = 0.05. Conversely, unobserved confounders that do not explain more than7.626% of the residual varianceof both the treatment and the outcome are not strong enough to bring the estimate to a range where it is no longer 'statistically different' from 0.0, at the significance level of alpha = 0.05.
Bounds on omitted variable bias:
--The table below shows the maximum strength of unobserved confounders with association with the treatment and the outcome bounded by a multiple of the observed explanatory power of the chosen benchmark covariate(s).
3×9 DataFrame
Row │ bound_label r2dz_x r2yz_dx treatment adjusted_estimate adjusted_se adjusted_t adjusted_lower_CI adjusted_upper_CI
│ String Float64 Float64 String Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64
1 │ 1.0x female 0.00916429 0.124641 directlyharmed 0.0752203 0.0218733 3.4389 0.032283 0.118158
2 │ 2.0x female 0.0183286 0.249324 directlyharmed 0.0529152 0.0203501 2.60025 0.012968 0.0928623
3 │ 3.0x female 0.0274929 0.37405 directlyharmed 0.030396 0.0186701 1.62806 -0.00625328 0.0670453