Quick and dirty PoC for console client that can search/download demos from quakeworld servers. Thin Client (CLI) taken from http://jogi.netdome.biz/, slightly modified to be more verbose. Check src/ directory if you want to diff with original.
- python modules: socket, sys, re, os, select, argparse, pexpect, platform, time
- OS: 32/64bit Windows/Linux (precompiled binaries of thin_client are inside lib/ directory)
- MVDSV/KTX servers (this software is not compatible with FTE)
Well thin_client is already compiled (statically) and it should work on most Linux and Windows. If you wish to make your own compilation, please follow these steps:
wget http://quake.tdhack.com/tools/dd.tar.gz
tar -zxf dd.tar.gz
cd demo_downloader/src
make clean
make d2
cp thin_client ../lib/
cd ..
$ python dd.py -h
usage: dd.py [options]
dd.py by d2@tdhack.com is designed to perform simple search/download operations on quakeworld servers for demo files
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
-s regex, --search regex search for demos, looking for string, this could be simple ".*d2"
or ".*(d2|grc).*
-d a,b,c, --download a,b,c download demo number(s)
-q IP:PORT, --qwservers IP:PORT file with addresses of quakeworld servers (can be downloaded
from: http://www.quakeservers.net/lists/servers/servers.txt) or
created from scratch in format: ip:port description -- see
dd.py --search .*d2 --qwservers -- search for string (this could be POSIX compatible regex too) from server
dd.py --search .*d2 --qwservers file:lib/server.txt -- search for string (this could be POSIX compatible regex too) serverlist taken from file
dd.py --download 212,213 --qwservers -- download demo 212,213 from server
$ python dd.py --search .*mushi.*dm2.* --qwservers file:qw_servers_names.txt
[*] searching ".*mushi.*dm2.*" ... please wait (result will appear on screen) 118: duel_mushi!_vs_(m@tr!}{)[dm2]030512-0022.mvd (1042k) 119: duel_mushi!_vs_(m@tr!}{)[dm2]030512-0038.mvd (992k) 404: duel_ake_vader_vs_mushi![dm2]251013-2354.mvd (1042k) 404: duel_ake_vader_vs_mushi![dm2]251013-2354.mvd (1042k)
$ python dd.py --download 213 --qwservers
[*] downloading demo number: 213, from, using thin_client.exe
[+] spawning connection
[+] waiting for "Connected" string
[+] sending "cmd dl 213" command
[+] number 213 is demofile: demos/duel_d2_vs_the_dead[dm2]290414-1903.mvd
[+] waiting for download thread to finish... this will take a while
[+] checking if demos/duel_d2_vs_the_dead[dm2]290414-1903.mvd file is OK
[+] demo download OK
- connection error handling for thin_client is not working
- error reading real demoname
- lack of detection for UDP errors, sometimes resulting in endless loop for python script
Send them to: d2@tdhack.com