A simple example on how to use the C API in Chromium Embedded
Framework created by
Czarek Tomczak.
Example creates a window, embeds a browser inside that window
and loads Google website. Shows how to implement dummy reference
counting and CEF structures with callbacks to implement CEF handlers
like cef_app_t
, cef_client_t
and cef_life_span_handler_t
To understand and implement real reference counting see the
wiki page in upstream CEF project.
Table of contents:
- Windows: see main_win.c
- Linux: see main_linux.c
- Mac: not available yet (Issue #15)
Tested configurations:
- Windows:
- Binary:
- Compilers: mingw-gcc 5.3.0 and TDM-gcc 5.1.0 on Windows 7 64-bit
- Binary:
- Linux:
- Binary:
- Compiler: Linux: gcc 4.8.2 on Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit
- Compiler: gcc 6.3.0 on Debian 9.2 (stretch) 64-bit
- Binary:
- Download "Standard Distribution" binaries from Spotify Automated Builds for the supported CEF version mentioned in the Compatibility section above: http://opensource.spotify.com/cefbuilds/index.html
- Create cefcapi/Release/ directory
- Copy cef_binary*/Release/* to cefcapi/Release/
- Copy cef_binary*/Resources/* to cefcapi/Release/
- On Linux run "make gtk2" (GTK+ 2 example) or "make gtk3" (GTK+ 3 example) in the root directory. Note that you may need to build CEF with "use_gtk3=true" to link it with GTK+ 3.
- On Windows run the "build.bat" script in the root directory
If you would like to support general CEF C API development efforts by making a donation please click the Paypal Donate button:

If you download a CEF version newer than 3.3202.1692
apart from copying binaries to cefcapi/Release/ directory
you will also have to update the include/ directory with CEF
header files.
In the include/ directory you can find two files: "cef_version_win.h" and "cef_version_linux.h" - these header files were copied from CEF binary distributions for appropriate platforms and their original file names were "cef_version.h".