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discoenv-users is a microservice for the CyVerse Discovery Environment which allows users to look up information about a user. It uses NATS for communication.

It currently supports looking up a user's:

  • Username
  • UserID
  • Logins
  • Preferences
  • Saved searches

User-related lookups are keyed off of their username, user ID, or analysis ID. Only one of those is allowed in each request.


Requests are JSON-encoded messages sent to the cyverse.discoenv.users.> subject in NATS. The request format is available in the user/requests.proto file of the p repository.

Responses will be in the format detailed in the user/user.proto file of the p repository.

A Go module is automatically generated from the above files and is available at Make sure to check the tags to figure out the versioning for the Go module.


This example shows how to make a request on the command-line. Note the usage of the login_limit and login_offset fields. Also, the saved searches and preferences are JSON encoded themselves, so are returned as strings. They are not parsed.

> nats request --tlscert /etc/nats/tls.crt --tlskey /etc/nats/tls.key --tlsca /etc/nats/ca.crt --creds /etc/nats/user.creds cyverse.discoenv.users.lookup '{"username":"", "include_saved_searches":true, "include_preferences":true, "include_logins":true, "login_limit":5, "login_offset":0}' -s tls://nats:4222 --raw | jq
  "uuid": "6be9d7fe-854a-11e4-b1aa-bb594900dd6f",
  "username": "",
  "preferences": {
    "uuid": "98fab7cc-bb52-11ec-bb2b-62d47aced14b",
    "preferences": "{\"default_output_folder\":{\"id\":\"/cyverse/home/example/analyses_qa\",\"path\":\"/cyverse/home/example/analyses\"},\"system_default_output_dir\":{\"id\":\"/cyverse/home/example/analyses\",\"path\":\"/cyverse/home/example/analyses\"}}"
  "logins": [
      "userAgent": "axios/0.21.4",
      "loginTime": "2021-04-12T10:53:16.242350Z"
      "userAgent": "axios/0.21.4",
      "loginTime": "2021-04-11T12:55:32.520684Z"
      "userAgent": "axios/0.21.4",
      "loginTime": "2021-04-11T12:55:16.933512Z"
      "userAgent": "axios/0.21.4",
      "loginTime": "2021-04-01T16:43:41.253016Z"
      "userAgent": "axios/0.21.4",
      "loginTime": "2021-04-01T16:43:32.593088Z"
  "loginCount": 1558,
  "savedSearches": {
    "uuid": "3227ee06-97c7-11e7-8248-008cfa5ae621",
    "savedSearches": "[{\"total\":72,\"fileQuery\":\"index.html\",\"label\":\"index.html\",\"path\":\"/savedFilters/\",\"files\":[],\"folders\":[],\"tagQuery\":[],\"execution-time\":\"7675\",\"createdWithin\":{},\"modifiedWithin\":{},\"fileSizeRange\":{\"maxUnit\":{\"unit\":1,\"label\":\"KB\"},\"minUnit\":{\"unit\":1,\"label\":\"KB\"}}}]"