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Inputs and Parameters

ChengYong Tham edited this page Sep 8, 2023 · 7 revisions

NanoVar inputs

Mandatory postional arguments

  • Long-read FASTQ/FASTA file or mapped BAM file
  • Reference genome in FASTA format (e.g. GRCH38 Human reference genome hg38)
  • Working directory

Recommended arguments

  • Coordinate exclusion BED file (See parameter -f below)

NanoVar options


nanovar [-h] [-x ont/pacbio] [-f file] [-c int] [-l int] [-p float]
        [-a int] [-b int] [-s float] [--homo float] [--hetero float]
        [--debug] [--force] [-v] [-q] [-t int] [--model path]
        [--mm path] [--st path]
        [FASTQ/FASTA/BAM] [reference_genome] [working_directory]

        nanovar -t 24 reads.fa hg38.fa ./work_dir

Positional arguments:

Parameter Argument Comment
[FASTQ/FASTA/BAM] reads.fq/reads.bam Path to long reads or mapped BAM file. Formats: fasta/fa/fa.gzip/fa.gz/fastq/fq/fq.gzip/fq.gz or .bam
[reference_genome] hg38.fa Path to reference genome in FASTA. Genome indexes created will overwrite indexes created by other aligners (e.g. bwa)
[working_directory] ./work_dir Path to working directory. Directory will be created if it does not exist

Optional arguments:

Parameter Argument Comment
-h, --help - show this help message and exit
-x, --data_type ont or pacbio Type of long-read data - Oxford Nanopore (ont) or Pacific Biosciences (pacbio) [ont]
-f, --filter_bed path BED file with genomic regions to be excluded. (e.g. telomeres and centromeres) Either specify name of in-built reference genome filter (i.e. hg38, hg19, mm10) or provide FULL path to own BED file. [None]
-c, --mincov INT minimum number of reads required to call a breakend [2]
-l, --minlen INT minimum length of SV to be detected [25]
-p, --splitpct FLOAT minimum percentage of unmapped bases within a long read to be considered as a split-read. 0.05<=p<=0.50 [0.05]
-a, --minalign INT minimum alignment length for single alignment reads [200]
-b, --buffer INT nucleotide length buffer for SV breakend clustering [50]
-s, --score FLOAT score threshold for defining PASS/FAIL SVs in VCF. Default score 1.0 was estimated from simulated analysis. [1.0]
--homo FLOAT Lower limit of a breakend read ratio to classify a homozygous state. i.e. Any breakend with homo<=ratio<=1.00 is classified as homozygous [0.75]
--hetero FLOAT Lower limit of a breakend read ratio to classify a heterozygous state. i.e. Any breakend with hetero<=ratio<homo is classified as heterozygous [0.35]
--debug - run in debug mode
-v, --version - show version and exit
-q, --quiet - hide verbose
-t, --threads INT number of available threads for use [1]
--model path specify path to custom-built model
--mm path specify path to 'minimap2' executable
--st path specify path to 'samtools' executable
  • Removed options after v1.5.0: --force, --mdb, --wmk, --hsb
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