This is a Flutter app that consumes the FakeStore API. It includes all functionalities included in the API such as authentication, cart, wishlist, and products. The app has a feature-based folder structure and uses the GetX state management library.
-Users can register and sign in to the app.
-Users can view a list of products available on the FakeStore API. -The app displays a banner section with a card slider showing different images and names of the products. -Users can add products to their cart or wishlist. ##Cart(not implemented) -Users can view a list of products in their cart. -Users can remove item from their cart.
-Users can view a list of products in their wishlist. -Users can remove items from their wishlist.
- Android
- Flutter v- 3.3.2
- Dart
- get
- shared_preferences
- http
- modal_progress_hud_nsn
- cached_network_image
- flutter_launcher_icons
- flutter_svg
#credits This app was created as part of a Flutter development project. The following resources were used in the development of this app:
- Flutter documentation
- FakeStore API
- GetX library documentation ##License This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.