Realistic Growth brings a natural touch to your Minecraft world by allowing saplings, seeds, and plants to replant themselves when they despawn, just like in the real world. This plugin mimics the process where seeds or saplings fall to the ground and grow into plants or trees, provided they are placed on the correct type of soil or ground. When these items despawn, they will replant themselves if the ground beneath them is suitable for growth, just like how seeds naturally germinate in real life.
- CraftBukkit
- Spigot
- Paper
- Purpur
- Other server implementations may work, but are not recommended as they may cause compatibility issues.
Tree Saplings:
- Oak Sapling
- Birch Sapling
- Acacia Sapling
- Spruce Sapling: for stacks over 4 items also possible as 2x2 blocks wide tree
- Jungle Sapling: for stacks over 4 items also possible as 2x2 blocks wide tree
- Dark Oak Sapling: for stacks over 4 items also possible as 2x2 blocks wide tree
- Mangrove Propagule
- Pale Oak Sapling
Crops & Seeds:
- Wheat Seeds
- Beetroot Seeds
- Pumpkin Seeds
- Melon Seeds
- Sweet Berries
- Dandelion
- Poppy
- Blue Orchid
- Allium
- Red / Orange / White / Pink Tulip
- Oxeye Daisy
- Cornflower
- Lily of the Valley
- Wither Rose
- Sunflower
- Lilac
- Rose bush
- Peony
Other Plants:
- Bamboo
- Sugar Cane
- Cactus
- (Large) Fern
- (Tall) Grass
- Red / Brown Mushroom
- Crimson / Warped Fungus
- Crimson / Warped Roots
- Pumpkin Seeds
- Melon Seeds
- Sweet Berries
- Dead Coral Fan (All types)
- Wheat seeds
- Beetroot seeds
- Potato
- Carrot
Realistic Growth collects since Version 1.2 anonymous server statistics through bStats, an open-source statistics service for Minecraft software. If you'd like to disable metrics collection via bStats, you can edit the plugins/bStats/config.yml file.