Welcome to the IBM Watson Data Platform Beta Program. If you've reached this page and you're not a beta participant, please contact paul_read@uk.ibm.com and emmadawson@uk.ibm.com.
As described in your welcome email, to get started with the beta:
Sign in to IBM Data Science Experience using your IBM id (Bluemix Account) and select WDP Beta as your Organization during sign in.
We've created sample beta scenarios and notebooks that you can use as functional tutorials to try out all of the features of the beta. The notebooks and sample data are stored in this GitHub repository.
After signing in to IBM Data Science Experience, get started by reading Get started with Beta. Then follow the prerequisites and set up instructions in either:
Start a live chat with us between 8AM and 8PM Eastern time. Visit datascience.ibm.com and open the chat box from the bottom right of any page.