This is an Android + Desktop application which enables wireless presentation right from your phone. Installation procedure is a bit complicated, but this application is only for web based presentations like reveal.js and impress.js (this supports only reveal.js and impress.js for now), assuming a reveal.js or impress.js user and lover, I'm assuming you know few basics and can troubleshoot few problems.
Just execute the following commands:
Assuming you have installed git and node.js already. (and node.js version >=0.8)
Cloning this repository:
git clone
Enter into presentor directory by executing cd presentor
Now, we need to install dependencies which this projects depends on, which you can check on package.json
Installing dependencies:
npm install
While this may take a little while, it depends on speed of Internet connection. For now, it has 2 dependencies as and express which shouldn't take long.
Navigate to presentation directory inside presentor directory. Then clone reveal.js or impress.js repository in that directory after deleting .tempFile
cd presentation
rm .tempFile
git clone . --depth 1
This will clone reveal.js in presentation directory,
cd presentation
rm .tempFile
git clone . --depth 1
This will clone impress.js in presentation directory
Now we've to copy heart of presentor to presentation directory, to do so:
execute the following command:
cp ../presentor.js presentation/presentor.js
wget -O - | sh && cd presentor/presentation/
curl -L | sh && cd presentor/presentation/
Open index.html which is inside presentation directory with any editor, include two JavaScript files inside <head>
tag like this:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="presentor.js"></script>
You should be ready to deploy now, just edit index.html file inside this directory, then come back to root of presentor by executing cd ..
Now, everything should be done, come to presentor installation directory and prepare for next step:
node index.js
node index.js newpassword #for overriding default password
Point localhost:3000 in which should serve your presentation, use ifconfig
command to know your IP Address. You can modify a line which
says password="defaultpassword";
in index.js file if you want to change the default password, default password is "defaultpassword"
without quotes.
Go to Google PlayStore to download Android Client.
Once you've downloaded client, and you'll be presented with a screen which says "no connection established, please go through menu to connect to a presentation", now you should open menu and tap on connect.
Now you'll be presented with a connection activity. Provide IP Address which you noted earlier and the port on which node.js is running (default is 3000, but you may edit index.js file to change that)
Now click on connect and it will give you a new screen, use Volume Up key to navigate to next slide and use Volume Down key to navigate to previous slide. The switch which says wake lock, when switched on, makes sure your device doesn't lock after few moment of inactivity, use this feature on caution as it drains battery.
After presentation is over, just turn off the wake lock switch or kill the application from recent application items, this will turn off wake lock.
Well, you've just cloned reveal.js inside reveal.js directory, so now you need to edit that index.html and create your slides, or you can just copy and paste it in index.html if you want.
For now, there is support only for reveal.js and impress.js. I'm not working on this project currently so any contributions will be appreciated. It will never support any Microsoft's presentation client like PowerPoint. In near future, I may add support for Libre Impress but that isn't a guarantee. If you don't like to wait, you can go ahead and help me on developing them, you can see contribution summary at the end of this page.
This product is released under GNU GPL V3
Which means you have freedom to run this product as per your needs, you can learn and modify this product, redistribute this product to your friends and neighbor so they are benefited, freedom to improve the program as per your needs, as long as you provide the receiver of this product the same freedoms.
- Indentation: 4 level of indentation usinig tabs.
- Small Commits: Make large number of small commits.