This repository contains the files for building and running the container for the Objective Quality Metrics Grand Challenge.
The container can be built as such:
docker build -t grandchallenge .
After that, the built container is available under the tag
. The container can also be built and tagged by calling
the script
Keep in mind that the image is based on the mathworks/matlab:r2022a
with the Computer Vision
and the Statistics and Machine Learning
installed. To create this base image, run the following command:
docker run --init -it -p 5902:5901 -p 6081:6080 --shm-size=512M mathworks/matlab:r2022a -vnc
Then, in a web browser, go to http://localhost:6081
and install the required
toolboxes in a Matlab instance launched using sudo
from a terminal. With the
container still running, tag a new image:
docker commit --change 'ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/"]' [IMAGE_ID] grandchallenge_toolboxes:r2022a
Where [IMAGE_ID]
is the container ID of the running Matlab container. After
that be base image can be built using the command at the beginning of this
To run the container and obtain the results, run the following command:
docker run -v [DATASET_DIR]:/app/dataset/ -v [MODEL_DIR]:/app/model/ grandchallenge python
is the path to the directory containing the data set and
is the path to the directory containing the model. DATASET_DIR
should contain two subdirectories named dis/
and ref/
, containing the
distorted and reference point clouds respectively.
After the container has finished running, the results can be extracted using the following command:
docker cp [IMAGE_ID]:/app/results.csv results.csv
Where [IMAGE_ID]
is the ID of the container that computed the results.
For convenience, there is also the script
, which performs all these
steps in sequence and performs cleanup afterwards. The script can be invoked
as follows, passing in the absolute paths of the dataset directory and the
model directory:
bash dataset_dir model_dir
After a completed run, the predictions are available in the current working
directory as results.csv