Call of Duty Eggs for Pterodactyl Webpanel
Available Eggs at the moment:
Alterware (MW2, Ghosts, AW, BO3)
Plutonium (BO2, BO1, MW3, WAW)
Call of Duty 4x
Call of Duty MWR H1-Mod
Call of Duty 2
Call of Duty United Offensive
EZZ Boiii (Black Ops 3)
How to use IW4MAdmin in Pterodactyl:
Create a new mount and assign it to the call of duty eggs and the iw4madmin egg, be sure to that the mount is writeable otherwhise it will not work.
Use +set fs_homepath to set the new log dir for the call of duty server (example: +set fs_homepath "z:\codlogs\mw2" ; z: is the linux filesystem ; codlogs is the moung; mw2 is the folder for the gameserver)
Set the correct log path in iw4madmin (for example /codlogs/mw2/logs/games_mp.log ; iw4madmin uses linux path system, because its runed by .net for linux).
For configuration for iw4madmin check
For IW4MAdmin use the docker image attach here in this repo or from if you want to edit the egg.
Note: For Call of Duty 4 you need to upload the game files to a mount, the files for Call of Duty 4 are not included in the egg.
Note for IW4M-Admin: The docker image will change after the new version comes out for dotnet8