This is just an example application that includes an Spring Boot microservice that relies on a MongoDB
This GIT repo contains both the Spring Boot microservice code and the Openshift template
It is assumed that you:
- Have some basic knowledge about Openshift
- Have an Openshift CLI installed and setup
- Have access to an Openshift environment up and running (or oc cluster up otherwise)
- Have permissions to create projects
Steps to use the template.
Use the oc CLI or the web console.
$ oc new-project wine-project
Now using project "wine-project" on server "".
You can add applications to this project with the 'new-app' command. For example, try:
oc new-app centos/ruby-22-centos7~
to build a new example application in Ruby.
There are two ways to deploy our template in the project we just created: one involves adding our template to the 'openshift' project, the other just processing the template and creating the objects defined in it.
$ oc process -f wine-project-template.yaml | oc create -n wine-project -f -
secret "mongodb" created
persistentvolumeclaim "mongodb" created
deploymentconfig "mongodb" created
service "mongodb" created
imagestream "wine-service" created
buildconfig "wine-service" created
deploymentconfig "wine-service" created
service "wine-service" created
route "wine-service" created
Let's use the the 'create' command to add our template to the 'openshift' project, this way our template will be seen in the service catalog from any project.
Note: to do this you need permissions on 'openshift' project, something easy if you are using 'oc cluster up' otherwise you'd need to ask your Openshift administrator.
$ oc create -f wine-project-template.yaml -n openshift
After successfully adding our template you can use the web console to deploy our template. To do so, go to Add Projects and click on Browse Catalog.
You'll find our template under the 'Uncategorized' category. Click on it to be able to use our template.
Now you have to click on the 'select' button of our template.
Finally modify parameters to fit your needs or just leave the default values.
Let's list the routes exposed in our project, there should be just one.
$ oc get route -n wine-project
wine-service wine-service <all> None
Now let's invoke the 'init' endpoint to populate the DB with some test data.
$ curl -k
The End
Finally let's test the logic of the app that get the list of wines for a certain type of wine in a certain region.
$ curl -k®ion=ALBARIÑO
Fit next example to your needs....
oc process -f ./wine-project-pipeline-template.yaml \
-p NAME=cellar \
-p GIT_CONTEXT_DIR=cellar \
-p CICD_PROJECT_NAME=wine-cicd \
-p STAGE_PROJECT_NAME=wine-stage \
-p SONARQUBE_TOKEN=96c88bba952681ccf8f30fc0545a16cb4a9a5aea \
-p SMOKE_TEST_URI=wine?wineType=bold_red\®ion=rioja | oc create -n wine-cicd -f -